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Thursday 10 October 2013

Potholes & This and that

A watch that predicts when you are going to die to the nearest second, so the story from the Daily Mail tells us
This looks like a clever piece of advertising to me as the thing is not due into retail until March next year although you have to ask yourself why they didn't push it out for Christmas? Anyway you fill in a questionnaire to get your "death score!" this is entered into the watch and it comes up with a "time of death" to the second and begins a countdown!  Another slack day at R&D?  they'll sell millions no doubt - - - 

Sky News covered this story about a man falling to his death from Striding Edge on Helvellyn in the Lake District 
Another tragic accident which shows the dangers of our lovely mountains.  It appears the mans fall rendered him unconscious and his companion managed to get to him but had no phone signal.  By the time he walked off the mountain raised the alarm and a rescue completed the man had died. - - - 

Not a paper I have followed before the Metro provides a jaw dropping pic of a brush with death 
Seemingly balanced on the Great White Sharks nose the seal manages to escape the razor sharp rows of teeth below.  Pic by David "Baz" Jenkins on a tour off the Cape Town coast. 

Potholes in the roads,  according to Sky news there is one for every mile of road in Britain. 
This fact apparently makes the size of the hole, if you joined them altogether, more than twice the size of the Isle of Wight  Judging by the number of potholes around here I would suggest the writer does a bit of recalculating as we seem to have more than our fair share. 

Closer to home - - - Our garden is shutting down for the winter with lots of tired looking sunflowers on show.  Sally collected our last courgettes and removed the plants yesterday, we have harvested lots though this year it has to be said 
The netting we fitted over the pond to deter the patrolling heron 
Appears to have had the desired effect because i haven't seen it around for a while.  We will probably leave the net on overwinter.  

Tom gave us a bit of a scare the other day
He was sitting up but his right forepaw was tucked underneath his leg and we thought he might have broken it. After a trip to the vet the next day it looks as if he's jumped down off something a little too high and sprained some of the ligaments or muscles in the leg.  He is of course getting lots more attention than normal which suits him down to the ground! 

Today we are picking Damsons in the Peak Organics land at the top of our garden helping Vanessa collect them for sale at the weekend.  
We are still deliberating what to do with the extra bit of land we have bought from Peak Organics, our latest idea was to build a summer house up there but that would mean moving the shed and small greenhouse to allow us a good view from it. - - - plans are afoot!  - - - 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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