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Thursday 25 June 2015

"Normal" UK Teenager dies in Kenya & BOOK TODAY!

more migrant mumblings as the Calais situation gets worse the French say "its not our problem" but Cameron insists there should be no "finger pointing" - - - 
an incredible escape story  is revealed in this story of a plane crashing in the Colombian jungle.  A woman and her baby survived for 5 days before being found.  The wreckage of the plane was discovered on the 3rd day after the crash but the woman and baby had wandered away from it and were not found until the 5th day of the search - - - 
interesting insight into  how a "normal teenager" from UK dies in Kenya attacking an army base as second in command of an Al Shabaab unit - - - once again there are interesting "reader comments" at the foot of the story


The weather report for yesterday was a little wide of the mark with its report of showers especially in the afternoon.  We bathed in sunshine for most of the day, so it was time once again to get a few little jobs done. 
 lunch was taken on the sky terrace before a relaxed afternoon of pottering around - -  - 

Half way through the blog this morning and i have popped out for my round robin walk 
 the foliage round my favourite river view is so thick this year!
 the ransoms are shutting down for the year 
 some cows take an early breakfast 
 and the view up the valley towards Bakewell is stunning in the early morning sun 
 this rhodi is in full bloom with Peak Tor off in the distance 
not a very good Zoom on the kodak but i can see rhodis in bloom in the centre of the pic and two groups of sheep under the trees in the meadow 

 very warm Temp stat already this morning 
the earlier clear sky has clouded over a bit and the weather bods are predicting that there might bev al ittle rain in the afternoon
BOOK TODAY! BOOK TODAY! BOOK TODAY! -----------------------

Enjoy the day 
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