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Wednesday 24 June 2015

Scots won't pay & old photo's re-discovered

Interesting story behind the text "Scots won't pay" where the SNP are intending to keep the profits from the Crown Estate in Scotland - - - 

Great story about a bloke nicked for middle lane hogging on the Motorway! - - - the comments at the bottom of the story? - - - Priceless!
Homeless man returns wallet he finds  here's one of those stories that makes you think that not all people are bad - - - maybe the homeless shelter "programme" this guy is involved with should be more widely practised - - -

We popped down to see Daughter No1 (the elder) yesterday but before the lunch break there was work to do.
the tree im attacking is a plum and i think originally it was meant to be in the Espalier mode as the wires were still there on the wall of the garage.  It had however shot up above the garage and needed to be taken down - - ah well a little more firewood for the log burner.
at lunch the girls share photo's on their phones

With Number 1's Mum passing away recently she has been sorting out her personal items and our old wedding albumn and some other photographs came to light 
13th of August 1966 on our rainy wedding day, so so long ago! 
fast forward to 1976 at our Army quarter in Hereford with Number 1 sharing the blanket with Smokey on the left and a Burmese Brown who's name escapes me.  I remembered last night that the poor Burmese had to be put to sleep over a tumour she had. 

Returning home later than usual we became embroiled in the M42 car park known as the, Variable speed limit zone.  This was a regular Friday evening activity, stuck in endless queue's, for us when we both lived in Chesterfield and worked in Remploy's Banbury Office back in the the early 2000's. Yesterday the overhead display showing 50,40 or even 60mph as we bumbled along for 40 minutes at less than a crawl sometimes. We eventually passed a single Army Defender and recovery vehicle on the hard shoulder before being able to resume normal speed. 

 not a bad Temp this morning 
the weathercam shows a blanket of high thin cloud and the weather bods are predicting that it will stay dry through the day its unlikely we will be basking in sunshine
having forgotten to feed the birds yesterday before our excursion i had better get up there and serve up breakfast!

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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