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Tuesday 16 June 2015

Chocolate is good for you & bugs, we have/had bugs!

This chocolate for health story is widely covered and will prove popular i imagine.  Give it a couple of weeks and someone will be disproving it - - - 
The problems in Yemen are described as a "Humanitarian crisis that will threaten the very existance of Yemen.  Even with a UN lead "Peace" forum in Geneva the country still suffers from internal warring factions and what appears to be the Saudi lead siege of the North of the country - - - 

Closer to home, we noticed a couple of small brown beetles a few days ago on the windowsill and just put it down to the warm weather.  The increasing numbers caused some concern but a search of the area around the window produced no results but the numbers were increasing daily.  
I determined yesterday to find the source and first tried Googling small brown beetles in the house  The results at least confirmed they were not wood boring beetles so that was a relief.  
Part of the information on the "cigarette and drugstore" beetles was that they infest grain stores and dried food items.  Searching from the window area i soon uncovered the source in an open topped packet of cat biscuits.  We have for years stored any number of bags of LM's biscuits in a box made from an old 6ft converted workbench.  Its an easy job then reaching in and grabbing a handfull to drop into one of LM's dazzling array of biscuit bowls. 
Shining my "darth vader" keyring torch down into one bag i noticed the top layer of biscuits had small holes bored into them and delving deeper into the bag the beetles were evident.  The 2 other open bags in the box also showed evidence of the pesky critters. 
Double bagging the lot and hoovering the box out then double bagging the hoover contents seems to have resolved the issue although a few stragglers are being dealt with on an individual basis! - - - 

A trip to Derby yesterday elicited a promise from my hand surgeon that she will give my left hand "a go".  The Dupuytrens problem I have is getting acute now and she reckons it will be a two and a half hour Op to sort it out, hey ho - - - 

 quite warm Temp. stat this morning 
although the gloomy pic from the weathercam doesn't look so rosy.  The weathermen however only give a 5% chance of any rain for the day - - - fingers crossed, a little logging methinks this morning at least 
Enjoy the day 
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