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Saturday 6 June 2015

Illegals at Harwich & finally cleared last years logs

Illegal migrants flood in says the Express headline this morning 
and just to prove the point Sky News carries this story about 68 people being smuggled in via Harwich in 4 Polish lorries - - - 

Closer to home, yesterday the weather was exceptionally kind so i determined to get up to the logging site and finish off the end of last years pile of branches to be reduced to firewood 
 still quite a few left and its a hot afternoon but it was going to get done, today! 
thankfully the glorious sunshine of earlier in the afternoon was hidden by the gathering clouds as 3 hours later i packed up to make my way home.  The felled tree in the background is my next target 
as we were leaving our friend Lisa presented us with this old piece of wood complete with wooden mice - - - she has some examples of Elder logs with their natural holes in where the mice are emerging from them  - - -
 our early morning walk today revealed a cloudless sky with the moon still visible 
 this pink hawthorn looks to be enjoying the early morning sun 
 as do its blooms 
 this stretch of river is one used by the Darley Dale Fly Fishing Club
as i walked the few yards down the road back home this willis jeep was being loaded in the bus stop by an "American Soldier", as i strolled by he was joined by another "soldier" complete with rifle - - - 

This mornings weather stats 
 already the Temp, is rising and there's a fresh breeze 
the weathercam shows just a few clouds about, the forecasters are predicting a cloudy and sunny fine day 

Enjoy the day 
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