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Friday 5 June 2015

More EU woe's & very warm this morning already

The express front page shows us yet another reason why the referendum on the in/out vote of staying in the EU cant come soon enough - - - might it all be just so disappointing though when we get it?

 The tragedy of the Yangtze River ferry capsize unfolds its final pages as the ferry is righted and officials say there is no chance now of finding survivors.  97 bodies have so far been recovered from the hundreds reportedly on board at the time of the capsize. - - - 
 very warm already this morning as the Temp stat above shows 
 there's quite a bit of cloud around but little chance of any rain according to the forecast 
 the jackdaws are trying to wreck the birdfeeders in an attempt to get an early breakfast 
LM had a bit of a Temperature the other morning,  we suspect one of his night time "snacks" could have been the cause.  He's ok now and posing on the pond bridge in a "butter wouldn't melt attitude in this pic 

Enjoy the day 
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