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Monday 22 June 2015

Greece on the brink & a book day methinks today

The story on the Express is of a possible airlift of British tourists back from Greek Holidays if the country drops out of the Euro Currency! - - - Andy Murray's wife appears on the front page after his straight sets win over the big server Anderson at the Queens Club yesterday, only a week now until Wimbledon begins 
4 days after Wimbledon begins the Tour de France starts to roll - - - there could be some serious TV watching in July then! - - - 
after last months heatwave in India where over 2000 deaths were reported there is a similar situation in Pakistan  the death toll stands at 120 so far - - -

The weather here yesterday was a blustery sunny cloudy affair.  The wind, coming mainly from the North West climbed up and down the Beaufort scale most of the day. 
 we decided early on to walk around the Magpie Mine an old lead mine site near the village of Sheldon high up on the dales 
looking into the howling wind up there we can see various shades of grey clouds scudding towards us 
 at last we reach the point where we are walking with the sometimes chilly wind behind us 
 close up to the buildings now and grey clouds are approaching fast 
 there's a brief respite and a clear sky patch as we leave the mine building area 
 we feel a few spots of rain and looking into the wind the rain clouds look to be gathering 
 Sally points out this quintessential "old fashioned meadow" which is brimming with all manner of wild flowers  
by the time we are on the edge of Sheldon village the scene is one of fluffy white clouds as we look back towards the mine.  

before watching the final at Queens i determine to paint the kitchen window frames and that's another normally "July job" done. i do discover just a little damp wood on the lower sill so maybe that can be sorted in July. 
The sky terrace in the garden beckons late in the afternoon after watching Murry win at Queens but the advancing clouds and cooling wind soon drive us back indoors 
 not a bad Temp stat and at least yesterdays wind seems to have departed after 1mm or so of overnight rain 
the grey weathercam pic and a forecast of afternoon rain make me think it might be a book day! - - -
just spotted this Blackbird and great tit on the feeders
then a couple of seconds later this lesser spotted woodpecker - - -

Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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