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Saturday 13 June 2015

Aspirin reduces cancer tumours & its a slug and snail morning

Another miracle cure laid at the door of the humble Aspirin by the Express 

Closer to home, As Sally embarks on her daily morning walk she points out a group of slugs in the middle of the footpath who look like they are in some kind of meeting.  I notice snails attacking what's left of our Laburnum and count 16 as i peel them off must remember to put some slug pellets around the base.  
For all the lopping of limbs in an attempt to stop it being blown over by the wind not long ago it would appear that we have failed to kill it! 
Another observation this morning around the porch window frame confirms that a "plastic putty" application on to the glass and frame i did a few days ago has stopped the ingress of water which was dampening the frame, so another success there! altogether a good start to a soggy day! 
 its quite warm out but the over half an inch of rain since it started around midnight on the stats shows the real story 
 the far side of the valley is in view although the cloud base must be pretty close to it.  Forecasters indicate the %age chance of rain lessening after noon but i fancy we are in for a soggy day 
A soggy lone raiding Jackdaw is after a few peanuts at the moment 

Enjoy the day 
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