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Thursday 11 June 2015

more migrants flooding in & a few days in The Lakes

Quick thinking motorists  taking these pics of illegal migrants escaping from a lorry into the English countryside i imagine called police and they arrested the lot of them along with the Romanian lorry driver.  Better search controls at posts of entry would surely stop this?  - - - 

A great couple of days in the Lake District started on a high note as i crossed one of the bridges into Chatsworth 
It was an early start and the valley mist was still around. 
 off the M6 2 hours later its time for a bacon butty and a cup of tea 
 the weather unlike my last visit with my mate John is exceptional as i stop at Windermere for this pic 
 well before midday I'm striding my way up the hills to Scafell pike in the distance a few clouds around but still the weather is fine 
 the view from the top of  the descent route is in stark contrast to the near freezing Temperature and snow cover of just a month ago 
 with the sun still shining a make it back to  Stockley bridge in a shade under 4 hours and back to the camp site at Seathwaite 20 minutes later 
as I'm arriving i hear a chopper and am surprised to see this Chinook coming up the valley, it eventually ascends and  disappears over Esk Hause 

The second day i aim to do Green Gable, Great Gable and then Sprinkling Tarn and descend down Grains Gill 
 this cute little lamb watches me as i start my route 
 straight up this bit right by the camp site 
 "some time later!" im at the top and look back down to my van parked on the camp site field below
 the valley i'm walking up now is very flat indicating some kind of glacial action long ago 
 i have downloaded the relevant maps and am by now a fan of GPS as it charts my way up towards Green Gable I only wish i had realised how good it was when I/we were wandering around in the fog and snow on our descent from Scafell Pike a month ago! 
 the view from Great Gable across to Scafell Pike is absolutely clear 
 its a long walk down a scree and then to the Stretcher Box before an ascent to Sprinkling Tarn.  I decide here to not descend back to the camp site via Grains Gill but walk up to Esk Hause and complete the Glaramara ridge walk 
with clouds appearing to be forming near the top of Great Gable i make the summit of Glaramara 
 for the most part the descent down to Seetoller although long is quite easy and i noticethat this hawthorn is only just pushing out its blossom up here 
 down at the bottom i'm, surprised to see its only 2 miles up to Glaramara!  its only a couple of km's back up a grassy track back to Seathwaite from here 
 back at the tent my earlier ascent out of the valley doesnt look as high as it does looking down from the top! 
 The 3rd day dawns with a cloudless sky so i pack up and drive up close to the Honnister slate mine and sit in the early morning sun with not a cloud in the sky 
 instant porridge is more palatable in the sunshine! 
as soon as the mine opens i load up with some goodies from the £20 to fill your boot pile before driving back home.  

 not bad stats this morning with the Temp almost in double figures 
the weathercam has a pleasant looking sky just now although the weathermen are warning of worsening weather over the coming days 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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