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Sunday 7 June 2015

time passes differently as you get older! & our first rose in the garden

The Sunday Express follows most of the other "Sunday's" with pics of the Royal babies although they have it labelled a "souvenir edition"  
AL Kennedy   ??no idea?? has an amusing tail of "how time passes differently as you get older" although drifting into "checkov" i could have done without, hey! life's too short - - - This story  of getting old, however is linked to 2 things about me just now - - - 1. have to stop myself,  "trying to get everything done today" a few years ago after jotting down a list of things to do today, Tony O'Brian to blame for that little trait, i would dash around like a demented being completing the list before i turned into a vampire at the stroke of midnight if it wasn't completed.  Today i only jot down a couple of things and find the list days later wondering what the hell its for! 
2. After cutting my "alternative activity" from 3 days a week to 2 i am relishing the extra time it gives me at home and doing things we/I like doing.  A wave of guilt though because i am neglecting my book, the text is done but inserting the pics is a bind!, however, I digress, the 2nd thing i find i am doing now is setting my watch to tell me what "day it is" rather than the "date" - - - hey ho, tempers fuggit! 

Oh dear bad weather has delayed the launch of NASA's flying saucer again!  Its apparently designed to test landing technologies for future Mars missions. Mmmmm - - - 

Closer to home 
 we ventured up to a very windy Grouse at Froggatt for a spot of lunch 
 then it was time to get the bluebells out of the main part of the garden 
 and the Daffs out of the side bed 
 it doesn't take long but it fills up the compost bin 
 and gives everything else a bit more room to grow 
 Sally spotted our first rose in bloom 
and this Iris is just unfolding this morning.  We are really pleased with the Iris blooms because as ive mentioned before the plant was dumped out of the pond years ago and this is the first time we have seen any flowers

The high winds of yesterday have dropped and this morning finds us with an almost cloudless sky. 
 almost into double figures with the Temp. stat 
 the weathercam has a few fluffy clouds but for the most part its a sunny aspect 
I noticed the fat balls had been ravaged yesterday and blames the crows and jackdaws.  But i spotted the squirrel a few minutes ago having ago at them! - - - 

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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