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Saturday 29 November 2014

Its all about Black Friday & Hours matching catches up with me!

Trying to stay neutral as usual its hard not to jump on the Black Friday band wagon of describing the "appalling behaviour" from some shoppers in the rush yesterday.  The way that retailers jumped on this  American idea of Black Friday was interesting its just a shame it wasnt better run! - - -

I was only reading one article yesterday that the weather is going to turn colder and here is a story claiming that even if December turns out to be average temps we could still be on for 2014 being the warmest "average" temp year for a long time - - -

Its a year ago today that i buried "Tom" the cat at the top of the garden near to his old mate "Grumpy" who had gone a year before him.  Its easy to have a cat for nearly 20 years to start treating them as "part of the family" so i make no excuse for a touch of nostalgia here.  He turned up on Christmas day 1996 and trotted in the house with our other 2 cats "Wallace & Gromit".  He was a friendly cat and won the hearts of many a neighbour and friend with his easy manner.  Having been with us a very long time when he had some kind of seizure on 28th Nov last year we knew it was his time to go and had him put down.  Even now we always say "good old Tom" rather than "poor old Tom" when remembering him as he was - - - Lord of all he surveyed! - - - In the pic above he is in one of his favourite positions outside the house keeping "his patch" clear of intruders -  -- including dogs! RIP old fella - - -

At the fun factory the stress is telling on some of the minor managers as they battle to cope with the busy shop.  The warehouse is a battle field with a few "casualties" every day.  Some colleagues are already losing the plot and getting a tad stressed, maybe there will be some "colleague casualties" before the "big day"

I was regaled by a colleague, lets call her "anon y mous" who told me my hours were going to be changed. Hours matching finally catches up with me! i thought.
When I first started I worked 8 to 5 but because the shop opens at 8 and the bread is delivered around 7 I was asked by the shop second in command to work 7 to 4.  It made sense so hey "lets do it" i thought.
I am now told its on the cards that i must work 8 to 5 as there will be "more continuity" when i finish at 5 because the night boys will start as i finish.  It makes sense to the bloke who thought it up! who strangely enough is the same bloke as before but now he's the shop manager.  So hey "lets do it"
Forget entirely that i will come in at 8 to view empty shelves and a line of customers asking for this and that - - - I'm hoping that after explaining to my boss, "lets call her cool hand Jenny" the implications of such a move that it might be canned - - - i don't hold out much hope that it will go "my way" - - - hey ho!
warm stats! 

Enjoy the day
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