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Tuesday 18 November 2014

What to do with returning Jihadists & Its a cats life

The article is titled No place like home: What to do when Jihadists return  The pic shows a bunch of Saudi ex al Qaeda militants playing volleyball as part of their "rehabilitation"  Its a problem that many countries face and there's an interesting bit about what "the experts say" should happen and not one of them seems to favour the groundswell opinion of "lock em up" or "don't let em in" both of which i have heard expressed! - - -

the latest pics from the Philae's lander efforts christened Rosetta lander by me in previous posts, show how it bounced before settling down on the comets surface.
It would appear though that it has now entered sleep mode because it resides in a shadowy part of the comet.  While delighted with the results so far the "experts" are not sure if it will ever re-boot itself back to life - - - 1bn Euro's well spent there then - - -

You could "see this one coming" unlike the drone. no pun intended!  it had to happen, these "pilots" are being accused of using drones to harass people, according to the story.  No doubt there will have to be a committee then an inquiry which will take a couple of years and the results will probably produce a set of "guidelines" that no-one will follow - - - We came across a bloke with a drone which he had used to take aerial pics of The Magpie Mine site
which if the one at left is anything to go by must have looked pretty cool

Number 1 daughter (the elders) kittens, here in the pic some time ago in their "butter wouldn't melt mode" have now been speyed and wandered around for a while with those much disliked collars to stop them biting the stitches.  Having deliberately not fed them they were "let out" where one climbed a tree and stayed there "for some time".  Even ignoring the "food bell" ringing madly.  Hey ho the joys of caring for kittens - - - so rewarding though!

while number 1 daughter (the youngers) cat was unjustly accused of swallowing her engagement ring.  That could have had some messy repercussions were it true!  Luckily a search revealed the cat had hidden the ring under some cushions - - -

Twas a successful visit to Derby to have my recent hand op declared a success only to be told my left hand should be done and its going to be a "big job".  I'll rejoin the sausage machine queue next May and probably be getting it "done" mid Nov.
Having been declared "discharged" at the hospital i wandered into the station and with some time to kill decided to have a "healthy" BLT baguette.  Laid out in all their splendour were the mini baguettes with the odd bit of internal fayre poking out.  "Could i have a BLT baguette?" I  asked to be told "Dont do em mate"
 Suppressing a Whaaaat!? i chose the recommendation of a BLT with Chicken (?) from the "nails bitten down to the quick" attendant and was relieved when he used tongues to put it into a bag. at the same time pondering that he might have prepared the thing.  The price of this delicacy was slightly hidden in the gloom of the chiller cabinet but in my ignorance i had spied it as £1.25, ah the ignorance that age brings! .  "Anything else mate?" i was asked, suppressing the urge for a Latte, I answered in the negative and was thankful after being told "OK then that'l be £4.25" Whaaaaaat!?  - - -

The stats are quite pleasant this morning with no sign of rain just now

there are even some "blue bits" in the sky and the experts are not predicting any rain today so its a dash down the shop and then off for an hour or 2 logging ! - - -

Enjoy the day
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ADDENDUM :::: minutes later - - - on the point of "dashing" i checked outside and its raining - - - Weathermen tsk tsk! - - - Plan B go!

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