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Tuesday 25 November 2014

A Jumping truck & Am I banned/blocked in China?

Great stunt by the Lotus F1 Team although i cant understand the "world record" status that the Sky News story and video labels it with.  Its not as if you see it done every week! - - -

With the 11% rise of the Westminster MP's not long ago the Welsh MP's dip their snouts deeper in the trough and vote themselves an 18% pay rise.  This story is "cunningly" juxtaposed with the recent Wales only deal for Health workers who will get a 1% rise from April 2015.
I wonder if any of these jokers also has a seat and salary in Westminster!!! nice money if you can get it - - -

The pic of the police car on fire after rioting in Ferguson Missouri highlights the "Seasons Greetings" banner down the street, but there's not much "peace and goodwill to all men" going on after a White policeman will not face charges after shooting dead a black teenager some time ago.  You can understand the anger but why does the looting of shops have to go a long with it? - - -

Another "Show Stopper" from the Express will no doubt be followed soon with one something like, "Concern over statins!" - - -

 The weather was kind for our trip to Sally's "big Sis" where we tackled some Leylandii which had gone rampant.  I hadn't realised they wanted the tops lopping which my gear is not designed for but we managed it without any mishaps.  We were all surprised by the amount of branches the things had and thankfully the disposal of them, it was decided could wait for another day - - -

Am I banned or blocked in China????? I used to get over a 100 hits a day to the blog and around 50% were from China.  The pic above is a map from blogger showing where the hits are for the blog and china has been blank for some time now.  If you are in China and can see the blog can you comment please at the bottom of this post? 

Its still below freezing even at 10:03 so it must be time to pop the tiny heater probe into the pond to stop it freezing - - - 
Weathercam is showing that the fog has still not cleared form the valley so thats maybe why the temp. is so low.  
Our "begging letter" e mail to the Kurumba Resort  manager looks to have paid off with us having received a reply and being copied in a further e mail to the Operations manager to see what can be done - - - Christmas might not have to be cancelled! 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders 

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