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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Facebook gets a kicking & Soggy morn

The tragic death of Lee Rigby at the hands of 2 lunatics gets an airing today with The war on Facebook as the "Indi" title to its story which is also covered extensively in other media. Terms like a "safe haven for terrorists" are bandied about! The story also airs the fact that MI5 had identified the pair in 7 investigations but that this "couldn't have stopped the murder" of Rigby - - - lets hope the government's current "Counter Terrorism awareness week" achieves something !!!! - - -

This hunched shouldered figure is apparently a "broken man" according to his sister.
If he hadn't been caught in April this year he might still be "A respected hearing expert working at a number of UK hospitals"  and using a batch of hidden camera's in the biggest voyeurism case ever investigated by British police.  He was only caught when one camera he installed in a women's lavatory fell to the floor and was given to the police.  A subsequent investigation revealed the man installing the camera on video! - - -

The Hong Kong Pro Democracy demo's look to be coming to an end with a Tuesday night time raid on the Mong Kok camp because a local Taxi firm said its business was being disrupted because of the protesters.  This morning the clearance op was still going on

The Express newspaper not known for its quite "factual" headlines seems to be on a scaremongering mission this a.m.  - - - fingers crossed that its a situation thats not "that bad" - - -

Not fantastic stats this morning and earlier the rain was coming down quite hard and we have a soggy morn
Still full cloud cover and with the prospect of more rain to come methinks

"Little Man" (Sainsbury the tabby cat) is still managing to bring in a number of mice during his night time meanderings but has taken to chasing a small ball left over from the "Tom" era.  He hasn't played with it for years but all of a sudden started leaping around with it last night. Maybe Tom's upcoming anniversary of his death on Friday has something to do with it - - - spooky - - -

Back to the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs)tomorrow, could be fun!  I have had a couple of strange conversations with colleagues while shopping lately.  Number 1 was with the bloke who works week on week off like myself, "lets call him Steve" I was generally bitching about the organisation, as you do, when he announces that his current 24 hours a fortnight job, "will see me out" he is a 37 year old!!! - - -
Number 2 was with another colleague normally residing in the bakery but he works the bread isle on Tuesdays, "lets call him Billy"  I strolled up while shopping and engaged him in conversation a couple of weeks ago and he had a worried look on his face.  The night shift delivery had not been worked and he had lots of other rollers to work and didn't know where he was going to find the time to complete even the basic tasks
I told him just to mark what he had worked and i would sort it the following day. - - - Coming in the next day I wondered how he had "found the time" to re-arranged all the bread on the shelves from being side on to end on and had taken time to mix up the various manufacturers "overs" bread in an effort to reduce the number of stacks.

Further to this it turns out that the "Area Bakery Manager", lets call him a faceless bureaucrat who never deigns to speak, has voiced his displeasure at Billy's "new display" to the bakery manager, "the cool handed Jenny".  This was passed on to Billy as a "mild rebuke"

I went in yesterday (Tuesday) to see Billy again changing the display from side on to end on.  When i mentioned my "observations" from a fortnight ago the term,  "water off a ducks back" accompanied the silly grin on his face - - - Is it me? - - - Really! is it me?

No word from China so i might be banned/blocked !- - -

Enjoy the day
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