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Tuesday 11 November 2014

e cigs? bad for you health! & moving stuff in the garden

Here's irrefutable proof that these E cigarettes are bad for your health   Tongue in cheek of course but this van is going up in flames because the E cig owner left the thing on charge in the vehicle.  A spokesman has said that "we do need to make sure people know how to charge them safely - - - seems like a case of "if all else fails read the instructions - - - 

This article should be titled "your past will always catch up with you!.  Jesus married a prostitute and had 2 children Its a revelation after a "lost gospel" was translated from Aramiac after being found. - - - where was this "lost gospel?" - - - in the "British Library", well i suppose its where you would hide anything you didn't want finding immediately - - - full details of the document are to be revealed in a TV programme in December - - - I wonder how the "believers" will swallow this one

with the John Lewis xmas add making everyone go "Awwwww" heres an amusing penguin story.  Researchers have used a baby penguin mock up to study a group of penguins on a Southern Indian Ocean island.  They use the mock up to lessen the impact on the animals - - - more images here

The Express "cranks up" the latest weather predictions for the next couple of months recently blogged.  I suppose they could be right?!  The bit about Jagger's "traumatic stress" over the death of his lover is balanced if you look at the Sun newspaper headline of him allegedly claiming £12m loss of earnings over her death - - - !? - - -

as ever our garden is in a "constant state of flux", even more so now that its Autumn we do tend to "move stuff in the garden"  here the miniature Apple tree is being dug up
I sprinkle a few fertilizer pellets into the bottom of its new home while mumbling a few incantations picked from a recently discovered "Lost Gospel" found residing in isle 15 at Sainsbugs Matlock
next item under scrutiny is this climbing rose, to get it untangled from the woodwork without cutting it back too much i had to take down the trellis
not much room behind the pergola but we will be fixing the trellis to the uprights for the rose to climb up
Sally notices Little Mans nemesis 2 gardens over watching the proceedings, it lives some way off but spends a lot of time around the local gardens
One day i "will" catch that pesky Heron - - - lol   

some overnight rain leaves us with a soggy start but the stats are not bad.  The wind seems to have backed a little to a more Southerly direction - - - could this indicate the storms are coming?
not completely light yet but the sky is full of clouds and looks set to stay that way for a while

Remembrance Sunday is gone but don't forget the Traditional 2 minute silence today 11/11/2014 at 11:00

Enjoy the day
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1 comment:

  1. nitecore sc4 superb charger review is a really good choice for advanced vapers - not just an ecig, but as well a dry leaf and vax vaporixer. This top tc mod works like a beast - so much vapor and such a long battery life. This is a bit more advanced technology - they are using mini-tanks and you can see how much liquid is there left in the cart. On the battery you can see how much power it has left. Vapor amount of wismec ns triple is amazing, flavors are great. Price is a bit high though.
