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Wednesday 12 November 2014

Reports of a Polar Vortex! & a new camera angle

the Express has a rather optimistic headline! but reading the story its a step in the right direction
At last we are treated to a rare piece of, sensible EU "ruling" that migrants if they haven't worked in a (EU) country they move to cannot claim unemployment benefit.  Here's hoping that benefit tourism might get knocked on the head - - -

How times have changed!  worst job in the world is the title of this Express article.  The man in the pic is knocking down an old chimney brick by brick with only a hammer and a chisel.  The story ignores the fact that theres a jack hammer lying on the chimney rim and the bloke is actually holding a sledge hammer.

My point though is that Fred Dibnah did actually knock old cotton mill chimneys down brick by brick with a hammer and chisel for many a year.   His preferred method of felling chimneys by chipping away at the base and replacing the bricks by props and then setting fire to the props was the subject of many a TV airing.
He felled his last chimney in 2004 dying the same year after suffering with cancer for 3 years - - - worst job in the world? as Fred might have said "thi dont know thi  born" - - -

Today's the day then when the rosetta probe will attempt to land on the comet its been chasing for 12 years and cost a cool £1bn.
There have been knockers of the project what me? but one of its supporters says it will encourage young people to want to go into science.  Ever present is the "last line"r" of the story that makes little or no sense.  (young people will be inspired) "To go into technology and grow a new generation of people that can contribute to the progress of our Europe" - - - ?  - -

I was idly flicking through the content of the new version of Metcheck the site where i post my daily weather reports, OK its sad i know this! and noticed a very technical piece of waffle telling me that the wet and windy conditions we are experiencing right now will last for some time to come.
Plundering the Express for blog material a moment later i come across this story POLAR VORTEX WARNING its couched, in similar technical terms to the Metcheck text and if it turns out to be true we had better don the boots and hats and "buckle up for a bumpy" ride very soon - - -
this road cam in Finland indicates that the temp is -13c - - - we could be in for that if the above story is correct - - -
The stats right now show its mild breezy and will probably rain again today
I have adjusted the weathercam still camera so it can see over the top of the pergola and show more of the other side of the valley.  Visibility is fine just now but the clouds are scudding left to right quite quickly - - -

Enjoy the day
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