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Friday 7 November 2014

DIY mans advent calendar! & Rain rain rain

No i'm not selling these!but you know the type of e mail you get from Amazon after you buy any DIY item well here's a strange
Gyroscopic Motion Sensing Screwdriver !  Ignore the fact there's a lady using it, (in the link pics) no doubt B & D's idea to illustrate how easy it is to use (no offence meant !)
Once you grip the handle if you twist it to the right it will "screw in" twist it the other way and it will "screw out"
Not quite sure if this is not one of those "hey thats a good idea" things that will inevitably "go down in flames" - - - 

DIY mans Advent Calendar - - This Advent Calendar with Tools was hidden down at the bottom of the page with the above Giro Driver.  What will they think of next - - - i did note though that in the "tools" list there are 2 Bottle openers entries!  - - -

Shane works in a Walmart store  and obviously has a sense of humour - - - try the link there are some hilarious messages for him from the Management - - - I empathise with Shane!!!!!! - - - 

The Express has us all lining up to get the Killer winter bug!
The headline top left about Bin Ladens killer has sparked a livley debate but could just be smoke and mirrors - - -

Its quite warm this morning but the overnight wind and rain leave us with as very soggy looking aspect for the day
here's the present weather cam view the wind has dropped a little but its still raining
I was clearing out old pics on the webserver yesterday and came across one dated Dec 1 2010 - - - cool!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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