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Tuesday 4 November 2014

Compensation? yes er No! - moving on

If its not bad enough that your house is ruined in a Hurricane,  to be paid out by the US  Federal Emergency Management Agency  and then be forced to pay the money back must a be a bit of a sickner!
Hurricane Sandy (2012) rips through parts of the USA and people get paid out to rebuild their homes.
"Oh its all an error"shout the FEMA and people are being told they must pay it back!
To add insult to financial injury FEMA, by law!, does not have to disclose why they are demanding repayment! - - -

Richard Bransons Virgin Galactica fell out of the sky a few days ago and it now appears that the planes re-entry system deployed as the craft was accelerating away from the drop plane.  Although this is "fact" the crash investigators are way off from reaching "firm conclusions over the cause of the accident"  There are a number of "allegations" about the programme  ignoring safety warnings but Branson is adamant that the programme will continue - - -

A woman faces a 2 year driving ban for towing a friend around a Tesco car park in one of the shops wheelchairs just for the crack.  I'm surprised she wasn't certified, its amazing what people get up to in the glare of the CCTV camera - - -
The ban was backed up by a strange "range" of supplementary "benefits" you might say.  A "4 month curfew" - - A "12 month Community order" prosecution costs of £1369 and a £60 victim surcharge  - - - even after reading the explanation of victim surcharge i'm none the wiser - - -

My return to, and first set of shifts at the "Fun Factory" (Matlock Sainsbugs) has coincided with the end of "Halloween", which I must admit to seeing purely as another stunt to get folks to pamper to their offspring's demands to empty their wallets!
We are now officially into the "christmas" season! - -  Bonfire night? oh forget that its merely a sideshow to the "big event" of Christmas.  Recognised as the most profitable portion of the shops year it has "to go right" so its a case of "bending the yuletide" knee to all the managerial demands.
The fact that the warehouse already looks like its fit to burst will only demand more "discipline" about what go's where from colleagues.  Of course this rhetoric is utter bullshit because its a case of, if there's a space just "dump it" or if there's no space just "dump it"  - - - it leads to some amusing if not now and again, "confrontational" exchanges! - - -

Out on the shop floor we have the usual "challenges", its a Sunday and the duty manager, "lets call her Michelle" has her hands full when a young lad has a fit in isle 20.  This kicked off with an ashen-faced youth approaching me and said "someone's just collapsed down there", pointing down the shop.
Stopping only to tell the bakery boys to get a first aider to isle 20 i make my way down there to find a person face down on the marble floor with a spectacular blood spattered design around his head.
It turns out the young person has had a fit and collapsed face first onto the floor.  He has a carer with him and as the first aiders and "Michelle" arrive to block off the isle and attend to him I wander back to my duties.

A nasty little thief takes this "distraction" as a signal to put £200 worth of meat products in a trolley and attempt what is known as a "push out" (not paying).  Losing their bottle by the front door the thief dumps the trolley by the card section and leaves.  Luckily after testing, the meat is deemed fit to be returned to the display - - - hey ho - - - all in a days retailing- - -

Had an early evening meal with number 1 daughter, "the younger" Sunday.  I  managed to stand Outside in the car park waiting for her for nearly 20 mins when she had already arrived and was sat in the bar sipping her favourite tipple.   Must do it again soon - - - without the hanging around next time lol -- -

Sally's off to see her sister for lunch today who by the way has a Christmas job in John Lewis  Manchester.  No doubt by the end of the festive season she will have a tale or two to tell! - - -

I did hint a month ago that by the next full moon (Nov 6th) it would be cold and here we go, I should be a weather man!.  
The sky was nice and clear around 05:00 but the fog as descended into the valley along with the frost to make peoples journey to work even more tiresome.

So! being "abandoned" for lunch today it looks like Pizza again! - - oh what a shame never mind - - - i shall try a bit of logging later weather permitting.

Enjoy the day
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