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Monday 24 November 2014

Another Thornberry kicking & such a busy schedule!

More misery for Labour and Emily Thornberry in particular this morning as Sky News shouts Labour damaged as Thornberry gets on her bike very droll!  her tweet about the flag bedecked house of white van man Dan Ware is labelled "one of the greatest self inflicted wounds an opposition has managed in recent years" not in this story directly but there are rumours that UKIP are now so popular that more MP's from other parties might "jump ship" to join them before the general election - - -

 The curious case of Rurik Jutting rambles on slowly to its conclusion in Hong Kong with another Sky News story titled Suitcase Murders: Briton ruled fit for trial explains that he has once again been in court and the trail is set for July next year due to the 200 items of evidence collected.  You would have thought 2 bodies in his flat would be enough although i guess the "due process" has to be gone through to ensure "justice is done".  Short on actual detail the story then waltzes off into the red light district with a reporter video showing a police raid on a club for "illegals" and a "Peak" site interview with one of the "girls" - - - very illuminating - - -

 The BBC highlights what looks like  a computer bug called Regin .  looking like it might been developed by a "nation state" to spy on government organisations, businesses and individuals. - - -

Visiting No 1 daughter (the elder) yesterday to have a go at reducing bits of a tree removed form the garden some time ago was success.  While Sally and Caroline chatted and realised they had so much in common they might as well have been "separated at birth" Mike and I set about the job.  With the wood having dried out long ago the chunks of trunk in particular gave the new chain a challenge.  As it got dark we still had the stuff on the carrier at left to do and a few other bits to do.  Looks like a further visit is in order - - -

Another revelation from the Express - - - I thought we had done this one recently  - - -

Our holiday to the Maldives next Feb gave us a little surprise when we asked for the Invoice to ensure we had budgeted enough.  "Shock horror" the 15% accommodation discount for returning guests looks to have been suspended!  We will bite the bullet anyhow but it might be a case of "cancel Christmas" in the words of the Prince of Thieves film - - - A begging e mail to the resort manager has been despatched in the hope of some discount on the premise of "if you don't ask you don't get" - - -

Another busy day with a trip to Sally's "big Sis" in order to fell some small garden tree's - - - such a busy schedule! - - -
very frosty outside although the temp is now above freezing
weathercam view looks great though with the sun halfway down to the bottom of the valley already
Enjoy the day
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