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Tuesday 2 December 2014

A Tale of 2 benefits! & Christmas music at the Fun Factory

Interesting story  playing off pensioner benefits against support for the young here.
Being an "oldie" i fall into the category of "if you've paid in you should get some back".  This kind of go's against the "EU" phase we are going through where we hand out wads of cash to anyone but hey ho! - - -

Its looking like the Hong Kong pro democracy movement are in for a hard time as the Chief Exec warns them off returning to the streets in protest- - - looks as if its all going to end in tears! - - -

Not exactly the best Christmas present but if you have one of these hanging on your wall  it would make for a good story. The Tjipeter blocks have been rolling around in the ocean for years and this story details instances of people finding them - - - great story - - - non on e bay yet though! lol - - -

Another show-stopper from the Express this morning- - -

While the Metro  would have us believe, and its quoting the Met O that we are going to move to colder weather very soon - - - nice pic in the story - - -

Having got over Black Friday we are now subjected to Cyber Monday!  Interesting fact though that £7k a second was reputedly being spent during the day! - - -

Down at the Fun Factory yesterday the Christmas Music was started up!  Accompanying the merry shoppers.  At least 2 people regaled me with their stories of doing their Christmas Shopping "now" to beat the rush.  Heaven knows what its going to be like nearer the day!
Having one of our "monthly colleague briefings" we were told that Sainsbury's has so many huge delivery lorries on the road, if you put them nose to tail they would stretch form Lands End to John O'groates Mmmmm  - - -

Our neighbour has seen fit to chop off about 60cm from his fence thereby giving us our view back
He also managed to finish off the gap he left - - - good on yer sport - - - I fear however that this may not be the end of the "sorry saga" the posts that this fence is attached to happen to be on our land - - hey ho - - - slowly slowly catchy monkey - - -

Cool stats this morning maybe the Metro story above is correct
The weathercam shot is looking pretty good with some blue bits showing - - -

Enjoy the day
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