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Sunday 7 December 2014

Maybe they don't like Red Bull & we are a gated residence

The Red Bull F1 HQ at Milton Keynes has been ram raided and "more than 60 trophies" stolen from display cabinets, maybe the robbers dont like Red Bull. .  The curious thing is there's a bit in the story that says "night staff working at the site were not harmed" presumably this raid took "some considerable time" to execute what were they doing during that time? - - -

Would sir like Rat with his Kebab? the rat on top of the meat is not so clear in the pic but follow the link and see the video clearly showing a rat on top of the Kebab meat skewer ! - - - The story sadly does not name and shame the Kebab house - - -

After being trounced in an effort to unplug Scotland from the UK Mr Salmond is now after a job at Westminster  Ah well life's like that i guess, out of one dead end job into another - - -

 This is yesterdays pic of a very frosty garden -3.9c!
A similar pic from the Top decking clearly shows the frost on the roofs
Its all change though a couple of hours later when the sun had been out for a while.  The frost though is still around on the bits the sun has not warmed

Our DIY project to erect a door on the steps down to the back door has been amended! The best laid plans and all that!  The door idea has been rescinded because we spotted a rather nice little gate which has now been erected at the top of the steps. So we are now a gated residence - - -
  We had intended to hang the gate from the left hand side but when I tried to dig a hole for the post a rather large void appeared! I used a bolt down base for the post on the left

However, hanging it from the other side has allowed me to put a "cunningly devised self closing device on there" (Heath Robinson eat your heart out).  The part of the roof recently removed will be replaced - - - eventually - - -
OK OK! the nuts are on order!! lol - - - 
 The temp. has dropped just in the last few minutes so this looks to be in line with the predicted high winds forecast
No rain at the present although a band has just passed us and the Metcheck radar shows another is about to arrive shortly - - -

Enjoy the day
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