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Wednesday 10 December 2014

Its all about the weather & A make and mend day

All "weather eyes" are focussed North West because its "All about the weather "for the next couple of days.  There are a number of explanations of what's going on and this Sky News one is as good as any.  The clue as to "when" it might arrive looks to be "watch your barometer when its dropped more than a slack handful of millibars (a drop of 24 is forecast!) it wont be far away

This Daily Mail story has dramatic pics from the snowfall of yesterday around the northern areas of UK.  It also covers the predictions for today and tomorrows weather in detail.

The Express joins in the weather debate with a little drama as usual

Locally the weather yesterday was very windy although the prediction of lunchtime gusts of 50 mph were a good 6 hours wide of the mark.  Once it got dark the wind managed a couple of 30mph + gusts and the rain was driving particularly well after midnight with a heavy spell around 03:00

Here's a pic of our nighttime visitor "Houdini" he hung around the catflap a few minutes when the rain was at its worst.  Not long after Little Man re-appeared from a foray and apart from sniffing around where Houdini had sat he didnt seem to concerned.  I wonder what would happen if they bumped into each other?

"Cyril" the van sailed through his MOT and only had minor surgery to replace the discs and pads on the back end, hopefully good for another year now!

Its back to the Fun Factory tomorrow, I bumped into my boss yesterday, "lets call her Jenny" and she elaborated further about the new hours thing by saying the night shift will even work the delivery if they have the time.  - - - don't you just love an optimist!  It will be implemented though after Xmas but i feel sure the outcome(s) might get a mention here!

Its a bit of a make and mend day today after a gruelling few hours on a part of "the book" yesterday which i hope will make exiting reading!

not bad stats this morning, if the predicted drop in the Bar. appears i might update with further pics during the day.
Just managed to catch the moon in the weathercam pic before it slid out of shot

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders 

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