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Thursday 4 December 2014

hey look a Polce car & A suck it and see day

Looking like a shot from a sci fi film this odd looking pic might be bringing hope to spinal cord injury patients the charity spinal research says the trials on a drug to promote growth of nerve cells is making "real progress" - - -

Driverless cars  apparently 4 UK town/city locations have been selected where these driverless cars are being trialled.
they are obviously the forerunner of "bigger things to come"  in the public transport sector i guess.  - - - Judging by the antics of some drivers i think driverless cars have been around Matlock for a while - - -

Hey look its a POLCE car!  red faces all round for the delivery company as they manage to get the spelling of police incorrect.  The press would have had a field day if the cops had taken this on the streets! - - -

Its time for another week off from the Fun Factory (sainsbugs Matlock) and i left yesterday just after the call had gone out.  "MAC's on her way".  (Making Availability Count) is a process the company uses to ensure that what's meant to be on the shelves is actually there.  The "bush telegraph" is used between stores to alert your neighbouring store that MAC's on her way.  This always leads to a flurry of activity in making sure everything is ok - - - no doubt I'll find out "the score" this morning

  Not too warm this morning!
The weathercam view is a little blue washed because the light's not up yet but looking outside its 100% cloud cover..  It looks to be a  "suck it and see day methinks"- - -

Enjoy the day
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