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Friday 5 December 2014

Pay to Stay? & step cover makeover

The food giant Premier Foods has had a project running since last July called "Invest for growth"
Their plan called for "halving the number of suppliers and developing more strategic partnerships focussed on mutual growth" The way they do this is to invite suppliers to pay them vast amounts of money to remain as suppliers. Or as PF tells it "The programme requires our suppliers to make an annual investment to help fund our growth" - - - Some suppliers have used rather strong terms to describe this practice whereas most others call it a Pay to stay scheme, in other words if you don't pay you will no longer stay a supplier - - -

The pic is of Typhoon Hagupit which is Filipino for "Smash" heading towards the Filipino mainland. The Earth Wind animation shows it in a clearer perspective.
The first link tells of the preparations of coastal towns being evacuated while a pic gallery shows before and after pics of last years devastation from Typhoon Haiyan last year - - -

pic from Feb 2012 
Our local weather looks set to change if you believe the latest BBC's latest forecast its quite an in depth look at the next few days.  Some of the media were indicating snow for Scotland last night and although Ben Nevis has snow the city webcams are not showing any yet.

We have been looking at changing our cover over the steps to the back door for some time .  In extremis
pic from Dec 2012 
its all about stopping the snow sliding off the roof and filling up the stairs.  If we were absent when it did the melting snow could flood the house. So we have a fairly sturdy arrangement covering half the stairs to perform this task as well keeping the door dry in the rain.
We considered a door at the top of the stairs but have now decided on a door half way down, the frame of which will help support the roof bit.  With the steps being so steep we are also considering a little gate at the top in an effort to avoid kids/grown ups accidently falling down them.
Even in the slightest breeze we get leaves and rubbish blown to the bottom of the stairs, this could also block the drain and cause flooding, as in the case of No 4 recently.  Hopefully our door will stop this happening.

Its a cold set of stats just now and the prospect of the temp not rising above 6c today
Still no fully light but the weathercam reveals just layers of grey cloud in the sky

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders 

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