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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Snake man show misleading & Times they are a changin!

I blogged this some time ago.  The bloke in the pic wore a "protective suit" and then ran a 2 hour show where the climax was meant to be him being Eaten by an Anaconda .  The whole thing fell on its face and he faces a barrage of criticism.  Admitting the show was misleading he claims the show was to "highlight the destruction of the rain forest" - - - The show was titled Eaten Alive????? - - -

The rather stark but entrancing photo at left is part of a project undertaken by a bloke called Marc Wilson who travelled 23,000 miles to 143 sites in Britain and Europe to produce a set of "Eerie photographs to capture man made remnants of WWII"  - - -

I know i bleat on occasionally about an organisation called The Pacific Institute which is one of these companies handing out "Team building" processes that all people who have demanding jobs have to endure at the hands of their bosses initiatives.  I still get e mails from them and as I have said before "there's the odd gem amongst the flotsam and jetsam"  here's one to muse on today - - - (excuse the "cross the pond" spelling!)

Worthy of Trust

How trustworthy are you? What does it mean when we say we can be trusted? In any situation, whether your position is leadership or front line, parent or neighbor, your influence is enormous if you are trusted. But if you are not trusted, it doesn't matter what your title is or how much authority you are supposed to have, your influence is virtually zero.

You see, when you are trusted, it means that you can be relied on. Relied on to do what? The right thing, whatever that may be. You build trust by sharing information that is timely, accurate, objective and complete. You build trust by keeping your word, doing what you say you will do, when you say you will do it. How can you trust anyone who is mostly talk and no action? 

Trust is fragile, too. It must be earned, and re-earned. Even small omissions or errors can damage it quickly. If you are trustworthy, it says a lot about your character. It means you have integrity - your values and your behavior are aligned, and you stand up for what you believe in. 

If you make a mistake, you don't cover it up or try to make it look like someone else's fault, even if it's going to make you look bad. And when you make decisions, you make them after thoughtfully considering alternatives and consequences. When you are trusted, other people listen to you, ask for your advice, and feel confident that you can be relied on. When you are worthy of that trust, you feel accountable to use your influence responsibly.

In today's world, trust is a precious commodity, far more valuable than gold or diamonds. Think about it: Who do you trust, and why? And who has placed their trust in you? What do you do to justify that trust?

Our van "Cyril" is due his MOT soon and he issued a potent reminder of his past arduous life the other day by emitting a rather odd grating noise from the back end.  So its off to
"Casualty" over the road today for the necessary "surgery"  - - -

"Times they are a changin" as the hours matching process hits my area! - - - 
Wandering around the fun factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) yesterday i bumped into my opposite number and was told that after Christmas our hours will be changing from 0700 -- 1600 to 0800 -- 1700.  While not being to fussed one way or the other I had to smile when i was told that the night shift will be working the bread overs before they leave at 0800.  This will allow "us" to work on the new daily delivery at 0800 when we come in. If it works it will be fine but the number of times our overnight delivery is not worked anyway makes me sceptical at the optimism of this statement - - -

The shop Christmas tree has been up for a while with the "decorations" made by local school children - - - pity about the dustbin base not being covered - - - 
 looking for a bit of "focus" for a particularly important part of my book yesterday i went for a walk beforehand.  Pleasantly sunny to start with but the clouds rushing towards me from the horizon to the North spell trouble
Having walked down the railway its time to trek back up the fields by the river.  Its into the biting North wind and some sleety rain - - - very focussing! The pic is looking South as the weather races overhead.
The Temp. reading earlier of -15.8c was a surprise! i think the machine malfunctioned
Thats better,  although feeling much colder outside

There's promise of 50mph winds around lunchtime so its time to make sure nothings going to blow around in the garden - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders 

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