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Friday 2 August 2013

Wolves helping Bears in Yellowstone Park & Peak Organics build a Bread Oven

I tripped over this BBC News story about Wolves helping Bears in Yellowstone Park it seems that when the wolves were wiped out in the 1900's by the trappers it started a chain of events that meant the Bears started having a hard time.
Elk, who the wolves used to eat boomed and started eating the early season berries which the Bears needed after waking up from winter hibernation.

Wolves were reintroduced in the 1990's and it appears the Bear numbers have started to increase.

A bit of a freaky Sky News story relates how a swarm of bees attacked a couple of people 30,000 (did somebody have time to count them?) bees attacked a couple exercising 2 miniature horses.  Even retreating to a swimming pool horses included failed to stop the attack.  Eventually fire-fighters arrived and sprayed foam on the bees to stop the attack.  Unfortunately both horses died from the stings.

We still continue to have this wonderful summer weather and are taking full advantage of it. Yesterday I left early to get a little logging done before it got "too hot"
I found these small mushrooms (3cm caps) enjoying the early morning dew before closing as the sun hit them later
The pile grew a little yesterday, the trees I'm clearing now are hawthorn and blackthorn which is a slow and some times prickly painful task!
The pile now has its proper winter cover and will have a few poles on the top to help it stay in place in the Autumn and Winter weather.
 My old pile of twigs for the bonfire is getting to large to add to and too far away so I started a new one yesterday.  The trees on the right are all coming down as part of the project.

I made the blog on the Peak Organics website and popped into their area yesterday afternoon at the top of our garden to look at their course students building the bread oven.
 Here they have laid the fire-bricks on top of the base
In this one the sand which will form the inside of the oven is being piled up.  Once its the correct size the outside of the oven is built on top of it.  When its dried the sand is removed.

They'll be completing the job today when there's talk of some Pizza's!!!
Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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