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Thursday 29 August 2013

Snow in a desert! & "Dave leaves the shop!"

I had been over what we call "the tops" which is a stretch of high ground between the valley we live in and Chesterfield the other day.  On my way back I noticed our valley which had a little mist when I left had filled up with the stuff so stopped to get a few pics
This one shows the mist in the valley with the tops of one of the Chatsworth hills poking above it.

This however is not as unusual than the Sky News story about Snow in the Atacama desert
This is the desert in Chile where the "Top Gear" presenters had a hard time and described it as hot and dry and high because altitude sickness is a real danger.  The link has a video which is worth looking at.  Pretty spectacular considering the average rainfall is less than an inch a year!

The Daily Express headlines are doing their normal stuff! One the other day said "Hope for Arthritis cure"  "Broccoli key to beating the disease" .  According to previous headlines arthritis has been beaten a number of times.  Heres a new one though with today's headline, "Drug to reverse memory loss!"  Now I think we could all do with a bit of that! -----

Here's an interesting story about people getting in trouble with the law On holiday
Did you know its illegal to feed the pigeons in Venice!
There are always a number of stories about Brits getting into bother with the local lawmen due to not knowing or being aware of a countries laws.  The story relates a number of facts about various destinations one which is that "It is illegal to take mineral water into Nigeria!?"  Another, you cant wear any kind of camouflage clothing in Barbados! - - -

Following up on my blog bit the other day about "Children not getting enough exercise" Sky News tells us
that video games and TV make children depressed  !!! poor things!!

My set of shifts at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) gave its usual crop of interesting encounters with the great British and sometimes foreign public.  Two to relate though, a fellow in a hurry, aren't most people, rushes up to me wanting some type of "korma paste" .  Entering into the spirit of his "rush" I quickly guide him pu the next isle showing him the product in question.
I then realise he's, "on the phone".  It turns out he doesn't have a shopping list, well not the usual bit of paper, nor the list on the "smartphone"
This bloke is being talked around the shop by a female on the other end of the phone.
Twice more he approaches me, this time still talking on the phone asking for other products, still on the phone. I see him once more rushing up the main isle still gabbling away as he heads for the self scan tills and away, presumably back to the person, still on the end of the phone!

I have just finished explaining to a shopper that the salt is, "in the next isle bottom shelf half way along on the left and turn around to be confronted by a small scruffy girl/lady who looks at me blankly and says "where's lemons?".
Taken aback by the fact she was stood right in front of me when I  turned around I asked her to repeat the request.  "Where's lemons?" she says again as I notice she has a bloke in tow with a trolley who looks decidely "odd".
I'm wondering what kind of lemons she's after and ask if she wants the ones in jars, I'm presuming this because she must have walked past or near to the fresh veg as she came in the shop.  "No" comes the monosyllabic reply from the "dead pan" expressionless face.  I direct her to the Veg section and watch with "furrowed brow" as she shuffles off followed be her odd companion!  - - - rather a strange encounter

A long time ally of my sarcastic wit and often cutting remarks in the shop is "Dave" a colleague whose real name is Vaughen who works the Booze section in the shop.  We have shared many a joke and amusing anecdote over the last few years and I was wondering who might replace him as he left the other day.
This is a pic on the day he was leaving, "Daves on the right" with Craig one of the many managers we have in the shop.  Daves getting married tomorrow!!  a sad loss.  I warned him that his wifes "headaches" might begin about next thursday!!!!!!  bon voyage Dave!

Finally - - - Our garden enclosure project is complete except for a bit of clearing up on the pathway, it really makes a difference to the "feeling" of sitting in your own garden. Here are a couple of  pics, try to spot "our" side of the fence!

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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