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Friday 30 August 2013

No to Syria Bombing & Sainsbury does the "bat watch"

An amusing story from the BBC about a road sign in Wales where translation went a little awry.
The "Welsh" bit is obviously meant to mirror the English bit but because the translation request was sent by e mail all they got was an "out of office reply!"

At last the PM has had his knuckles rapped over this effort to Bomb Syria which appears to be brokered by the Americans.  A number of his own party rebelled on the vote and it looks as if we wont be "helping" and the USA may go it alone.  Personally I think its the right path to follow

Coupled with the story above is the one from the Mail about Britain fooling itself about being a great power  The story has some valid points to support the title and I wonder if the rebellion over the Syria bombing is the "foot in the door" to support this article.  The last paragraph of the story has a lot of sense in it
"We were a global power for 250 years, but that period is past. We are not able to police the world . Lets concentrate on our national self interest  - and remember that Britain can be a great country without being a great power".  Wise words? - -  or - - - Folly?  I think the former

A friend sent me an e mail titled "old ads we'll never see again"  Here's one, can you ever believe we thought this to be true!? 

Finally - - - I like to have a look at the weather outside early in the morning before i report it on our site.  This morning I spotted Sainsbury, our Tabby cat on Bat Watch on our neighbours garage roof. 
He's waiting for the bats to fly back into the garage through a small gap by the apex of the roof.  Yesterday he gave us a demonstration of how he gets up there.  The roof is low enough at the garden end for him to just jump up to. He then walks along the guttering and carefully walks up the roof tiles.  
Getting down he will walk along the top of the roof then carefully stretch down and slide until his bottom hits an old TV dish.  He then stretches down once again and slides down, making a jump for it as the roof ends!  

Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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