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Thursday 8 August 2013

Bongo Bongo follow up! & Customer hysterics!

There's a disturbing little story covered by the BBC about Bird flu being passed between humans It appears we have a new strain of the virus H7N9 where there have been 133 reported cases with 43 deaths in China. "Experts" are stressing though that it does not mean the virus has developed the ability to spread "easily" between humans.  Oh well I guess that's ok then!

How does a dead 4ft shark turn up on the New York subway
Wags have put a cigarette a ticket and a can of energy drink in the sharks mouth and then posted the pictures online however no-one seems to know where it came from!

The "Bongo Bongo" comment made by Godfrey Bloom the UKIP MP the other day referring to aid we give to some "3rd world countries" going awry has had a fantastic followup in the Mail.  There's a whole raft of "allegations" some with proof of huge amounts of money that has been misappropriated!

 Way to go Godfrey!!!  This man will go far!!!

The shop (Sainsbugs Matlock) was its "usual self" today with customers being their "usual selves" until I was approached by what can only be described as a "Hysterical Pensioner".  I guess he was older than me so you would think shopping was a laid back, got plenty of time to do it kind of thing?

He kicked off with "You are the only person on the shop floor that I can find", "Go look elsewhere!" passed through my mind as I straightened up from stacking some bread and gave him my "usual greeting" "Hello there how can I help you"
To cut a long story short he banged on about not being able to find his favourite coffee.  A subject dear to my heart because our store has completely changed the brands and flavours it sells in the last week or so and my favourite has gone as well.  I "Empathised" as we are trained to do and wandered down to the Tea & Coffee Isle.
With dramatic sweeps of his arms and a squeaky voice getting higher by the minute he explained that "My favourites not there"  " Ok we obviously don't do it any longer" I thought but said "yes it doesn't look like we have it as there aren't any gaps and its not here" I was telling him something he already knew but didn't care any longer as his voice rose another octave when he said "well that's not good enough for me!, I'm going to have to choose something else now!"  Yes Sir I said that's right, good morning" and I wandered back to my.  It is frustrating I know when something you have all the time disappears but hell teeth "Deal with it!"

Talking later to "Dave", Yes the colleague who does the booze who's name is really Vaughen! and he says, "here's one I had this morning".  He was poking some bottles onto the shelf when this customer approaches and says one word questioningly, "Belgian?" obviously meaning Beer, "No" says Dave stony-faced "I'm English actually!"
Like it !!!

Finally - - - We have noticed for a couple of evenings that around 1930-1945 a Jay has been
attacking the peanut birdfeeder on the webcam.  It doesn't hang around long enough to get caught in the still pics and we don't see all of it because of the location of the peanut feeder.
In an attempt to catch a pic I have moved the peanut feeder along one space and will set up the still pic grabber so that I can operate myself - - - fingers crossed.

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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