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Tuesday 6 August 2013

A Toilet App?! & Cruising down the river

We get a number of different visitors to our birdfeeders

although my introducing a new food invited an unwelcome one - - - Wasps.  At work there were some 3kg bags of mixed dried fruit normally used for making hot cross buns. Realising they would be out of date before they would be used the company allowed colleagues to buy them so I picked up a couple.
Great food for the birds I though and they were quite popular. Some however fell on the ground and attracted hoards of them.  I have removed the fruit and will introduce it again in the winter.

Our Vegetable produce from the garden is starting to gather pace
here some courgettes and a couple of peppers are off to the pot.  The Tomato's are out in force but taking their time in ripening just now

Further afield heres a story from the Mail about an exotic garden in Derby just a few miles south of here 
A lot of effort has obviously gone into this and the before pic is something to see, completely bare!
Although our garden is nowhere near this we have recently put up a screen/fence and the effect it has given is quite amazing.  When you open the door the garden view hits you all in one go.  We only have a partial screen just now.  We will evaluate its effectiveness in the winter weather to come and then consider adding it up the whole of the North side of the garden.

The story normally associated with glaciers
is that they grind away the mountain they are sitting on.  This story from the BBC indicates that the ice actually protect the summits from erosion.  It suggest uncoverd rock is worn down by the rain and weather 10 times faster!

Technology on an epic scale, is the only way I can view this story from the BBC Controlling your Toilet with an App!
 All is not well though for the Japanese manufacturer because the toilet can be controlled by any "Smartphone" which has the app.  Mmmmmmm!

Finally - - - We sauntered down to the pub on Sunday to meet a friend and I was watching a group of young people preparing to try rafting down the River Derwent.  Rapid Horizons launch largish rubber boats from the car park of the Square and Compass .  It looked great fun and i believe they go as far as Matlock Bath which looking at the way the river snakes its way down the valley must be a 5 or 6km trip
 The briefing phase 
Then away they go after negotiating Darley Bridge 

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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