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Sunday 11 August 2013

Oz politician - foot in mouth disease & loadsa pics

An odd Sky News story this about a man and his son living in the jungle after fleeing from the Vietnam war 40 years ago in the Vietnam war.  It seems amazing that he could have survived so long, he doesn't look to be in such a healthy state.  I guess maybe his son decided it was time he came out - - -

 Its not only politicians who can open their mouths and put their feet firmly in there.  A severe case of  foot in mouth disease afflicted this would be Oz politician Stephanie Bannister 
In the pic above on of her parties officials has told her to keep her mouth shut as he tells the press she is stepping down.  Maybe she pop over here  - - - she might do well! 

Lots of challenges on my shift at the Salt Mine (Sainsbugs Matlock) today with some really mind numbingly requests from customers, e.g. "where would your frozen Yorkshire Puddings be"!!!! another asks where a particular item was while actually looking at it on the shelf! Still it makes for interesting banter with the other colleagues.  

The Peak Organics project organisers Jenny & Vanessa mentioned wanting some cardboard to put under their path covering membrane.  A few enquiries at the shop and I was being helped to load a cardboard bail into my van.

That should help a little! 
The bread oven finished recently is still drying out and Jenny fired it up to help it along 

On the bird feeder front the effort and moving the feeders around to catch a pic of the Jay we spotted has not come to much.  He spends such a short time on the peanut feeder that i cant get the still pic quick enough.  The squirrel though doesn't seem to mind the peanuts having been moved, i got this pic a few minutes ago. 
He really Is just hanging by his tail and feet as he eats a seed or nut with his paws.  The pigeon looks to be waiting his turn! 

I managed a few hours logging the other day and as it was an early morning start the pics a quite nice 
The sun trying hard to burn off the early morning dew from the grass here 
Nice pic across the valley, my logging spot is dead centre at the bottom of the pic you can just see my blue wood stash cover. 
The going is pretty tough just now as i'm clearing blackthorn and hawthorn not much firewood but lots of thorn's! 
Boris the defender down by the bonfire, this will be burned in a month or so.  

Finally - - - 
This stash is almost full so the rest of the felling will be just to clear the ground and the trunks will be left whole to be chopped into firewood next year.  
Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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