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Friday 16 August 2013

Where's your bin? & Enclosure project begins

"Bin blight", Now there's a new phrase.  Its meant to describe the ever growing number of bins that we are having to cope with in order for our councils and the government to be able to tick the relevant re-cycling boxes!
I know we need to recycle but it is a fact a lot of properties just have no where to store them.  The BBC story indicates the government wants new properties to have a bin storage area so they are out of site.  That's fine until in 10 years time there's been a rethink and the replacement bins don't fit the space?

This Sky News story makes me wonder if it will ever be introduced. roadside fines for tailgaters .  The text couples the recent story about fining middle lane hoggers as well.  £100 fine and 3 points at the roadside, fraught with problems I fear!  I hark back to the millions of drivers picked up by the speed cameras on the M42 being given their money back because the "font" on the speed warning signs was incorrect!!! what!!!  The procedure for roadside fines will have to be watertight!!!!!

Another vehicle related story and yet another new phrase "flash for cash" . You are waiting to turn right on a busy road and a vehicle coming towards you flashes his lights, you turn and he hits you,- - - your fault!  That's the essence of this story, don't get caught.  The would be criminals are targeting new vehicles so I think I might not be on their list! lol

The bloke who parachuted into the Olympic stadium at the 2012 Olympics as "James Bond" has been killed flying his wing suit according to this Sky News story.
I can imagine it must be quite a thrill to fly the special suits but there is no room for error!  The story relates that there have been 13 wing suit related deaths this year - - -

Finally - - - On the home front I binned the logging yesterday because it rained early on and decided to start the "Garden Enclosure Project".  On the back of erecting the screen/fence at the bottom end of our garden
we decided to go the whole hog and erect a screen/fence all the way up the garden on our Northern boundary (up the path on the left of the photograph.  We spent the morning and some of the afternoon digging out the post holes on the path some of which were quite rocky
This pic shows a few of the holes with bags of earth in or stone covers.  The post are being delivered next Wednesday so it will be feverish "postcreting" after that!
Enjoy the day  
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