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Thursday 15 August 2013

Alcatraz swimmer! & I'm a tweeter!

I didn't manage to see any shooting stars from the meteor shower, I reckon the Eastern side of the valley was shielding the view.  I'll make an effort when we are on our next Maldives holiday there are always a few visible there! lol!

You have to take your hat off to this bloke and his kids for swimming form Alcatraz former prison island to San Francisco in this BBC story
Freezing cold water he's had a double lung transplant and for 2 youngsters to complete this is pretty remarkable.  The story is quite detailed and lengthy but worth a look - - -

The 2 girls arrested in Peru story, here from the Mail gets curiouser by the day there's talk now of "Phil Collins's" nephew being involved.  Recruited by force in Ibiza to fly to Peru to smuggle drugs?  Mmmmmm
They look a sorry sight in the pic but what a story! - - - one to follow

A fishy story here form Sky news about a bloke catching a huge Tiger Shark on a Texas beach
The pic shows him sitting down exhausted by the battle with the shark and in the end a number of others helped him reel it in. - - - the shark? they tagged it and let it go.  It maybe a long time before it "Takes the bait again!"

Finally - - - Twitter - - - Not something I had previousy subscribed to,  my old mate Tim Baines (@gunner472) sparked a little interest in it a couple of years ago but I didn't follow it up.  
The Peak Organics project I am involved with now use it as a diary of what's going on so I had a look at it.

It didn't take long to realise Twitter have a widget that you can embed in your website!  (if you have one)
I had played around with various ways of having a bit of text on our weather website to report on the weather through the day as it happens.  Yes I know! geeky! but there we are.
If you click on this link you can see the result in the top left hand corner of the home page.
Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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