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Sunday 18 August 2013

Why do we need HS2? & Sainsbury has mouse for breakfast!

This Mirror story claims that there is a Great white shark off Cornwall !
The story has this pic and one other showing damage done to smaller sharks being caught off the Cornwall coast!

Google down!  This Sky News story reports that Google are not explaining why their services were down for a total of 4 minutes.  A few pundits are giving their own opinions but no-one is sure - - - apart from Google!

Do we really need to get to Wigan and Leeds faster than we can now? The Mail  has a good article on the building of the HS2 rail link from London with maps showing the proposed routes ending at Leeds and Wigan.  The idea is to take traffic off our congested roads but its doubtful if it will at this point.  Mind you we had the same objections to the building of the M1 back in the 50's and 60's so I guess "nothing changes"

The US government has acknowledged the existence of its Area 51   Its long been associated with extra terrestrials, UFOs and  the Air force's development programmes.  I don't suppose for a minute they will be giving away any further information at the moment.

The logging was a success yesterday although as I'm clearing blackthorn and hawthorn bushes its quite hard going.  The branches of the bushes are so entangled with each other that they down fall over even when they have been chainsawed.
The idea here is to chain saw the small trunks which still stay upright then attach a rope to Boris's towing ball and drag them out onto the clear ground.
Once they are clear you don't get much firewood from them and most of the tree go's on the bonfire but the larger trees are exposed then.  My part in doing this is part of a land management project our friend the landowner has signed up to.

We were successful in beating the forecasted rain yesterday, just!, in getting the last of the post holes for our fence project sorted. We used a cutter/grinder to outline the holes in the concrete walkway at the bottom of the garden steps and will punch them through and excavate once we have the post on Wednesday.

Finally - - - Little Sainsbury our younger cat continues in his attempt to reduce the local rodent population!
He is a very successful hunter and regularly brings in his quarry to show it off.  The other day I noticed a movement on the floor and a shrew was scurrying around!  He still catches shrews but there is something on their skin that stops him eating them!
Here he is earlier this morning having a mouse for breakfast!    We get to clear up after him - - - Mmmmmm
Enjoy the day  
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