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Monday 19 August 2013

Beast of Trowbridge spotted - again & Napkin growing up

A couple out walking in Wiltshire took this pic of what they claim is the beast of trowbridge
The pic is rather grainy but the animal does have the look of something bigger than a domestic cat! There have been any number of sightings of a "big cat" going back  years, you would have thought by now it would have been tracked down and caught - - -

The economic bubble in India looks set to burst with this report of investors pulling their money out of the country The BBC report mentions that the slow down in growth has led to a run on the rupee against the US dollar.  The Prime Minister of India is trying to allay fears that a repeat of the 1991 financial crisis is not around the corner - - but who knows how true that is?

Quite an amazing story from the BBC is about a man who who fell overboard from a container ship while dumping rubbish in the sea travelling from Hong Kong to Taiwan
After being rescued he vowed to "make more of his life" and true to his word he is now a multi millionaire cider maker.  The question has to be asked though what was he doing throwing rubbish into the sea, there's enough in there already!

Another story from the BBC relates how the Red deer of Rum Island are breeding earlier due to climate change
The TV programme "Autumn Watch" featured the animals and also mentioned that the study of the animals has been going on since 1953.

Closer to home - - -I bought some "sausages", why do I always remember the dog on the TV a few years ago that could make a noise like it said "sausages" whenever I think of the word?  Anyway, on the packet there was a statement that they were "Made with 88% outdoor bred pork"  ?Begs the question, where was the other 12% bred then?

Our friend Lisa has started putting her pet sheep out to pasture and I encounter him by the gate to the field when I go logging.
I have to put his lead on and tie him to the fence to get the Land Rover through the gate or he might run into the farmyard and onto the road nearby.  He's quite tame and always walks up to me when I appear.  Due to his diet he's as lot bigger than his siblings in the field, a far cry from when he was abandoned by his mother!

Finally - - - The garden is doing very well in all this sunshine
and yesterday we harvested a few potatoes from the plastic bags we had grown them in.  It was surprising how dry the peat was even though they had been watered daily.  Sally has made a note to water the one remaining bag more often as a result.

So, a little logging today and then a days work on the Peak Organics project tomorrow will keep me busy.  There's talk of measuring their plot tomorrow which might spark a lively debate about where our garden boundary is supposed to be! - - -
Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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