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Sunday 4 August 2013

Dont mention ze war! & We have Steeplejack - daws!

I noticed in the news that a local man from Buxton is missing in the Peruvian mountains  The Sky news story relates how he disappeared on a popular route and has not been seen for a week
The story go's on to say that there have been 5 deaths in the same area between May and July this year.

The Chinese are trumpeting their latest Tallest tower with a dizzying view from near its summit as the final bit is put into place

I always remember while visiting Hong Kong we went up the Sky 100 building, great views but not for the person that doesn't like heights!
A night time view from "The Peak" in Hong Kong shows Sky 100 on the far left!

Nearer to home we have an event across in the Peak Rail centre.  There's a 1940's weekend which announced itself to us with a burst of machine-gun fire yesterday as we were sitting in the garden!
One feature of it is a full scale battle re-enactment with lots of explosions and guns firing
 These pics are from an earlier year: Above the battle is in full flow and below a group of people in period dress follow the battle from a distance

 I was doing some early morning work the other day when on my PC when I heard a strange "clunk" from the kitchen.  While wandering around investigating i heard the same noise and realised it was something dropping onto the roof. 
I walked outside just in time to see 2 jackdaws flying away from the chimney stack.  They had been pecking away at the mortar holding down the chimney's and dislodged some of it.  
If you click to enlarge the pic you can just see a 4 or 5 inch piece of mortar sitting on the stone ledge.  They came back later and pitched that bit down onto the roof?! 

Finally - - - The hard work by the Peak Organics crew the other day has been completed and here's a pic of their completed bread oven. 

Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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