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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Ever heard of Peak Organics?

Ok pics I like pics so lets start off with the BBC's news in pictures article the "theme" is "Urban life" so its a fairly mundane set of pics but I do like the first one which reminds me of crossing the road in Hong Kong!

Another feel good pic is here in the Mails announcing of the latest royal birth
The young bloke helping post the notice of the Royal birth comes from a slum dwelling in Calcutta.  His parents who still live there are so proud of their son!  rightly so!!!!

Its a bit of a "tome" but worth a read about how "China" is coping with its world dominance on manufacturing with an article from the BBC on China's slowdown and the global glut   its an in depth analysis of what's going on in the country and a reflection on how the USA and Japan coped with their dominance of manufacturing!

PEAK ORGANICS!  2 lunatic ladies who are attempting, nay! will!, turn an overgrown patch of land at the back our terrace gardens into an "Organic Garden "  One of the ladies, Jenny, used to be our next door neighbour years ago and then moved into the next terrace along the road.
Her and a friend have purchased the land at the top of out terrace gardens and will turn it into an ORGANIC GARDEN!  I have volunteered, ok even after 30 years in the Army with the rule that "you must never volunteer" I have offered to give a little of my time to their project.
The original idea of partitioning the land was space to build a house so an ORGANIC GARDEN is more than welcome.
One offshoot of the project is that our boundary might not be in the "correct place!".  It looks as if its a little "encroaching" but I'm sure we can work something out!
One of the mini projects is to construct a "bread oven"  I'm not quite sure how this fits in with an ORGANIC GARDEN but it sounds like a good idea.
Here's the base and there's a group of people from the Derbyshire adult education project coming Thursday and Friday to put the oven on top of the base
Today Jenny and I cleared a path up to the site of the oven - - - if the effort of the job is an indication of what's needed to complete the whole project its going to be, as the Beatles song says "A Long And Winding Road!
The results however, I'm sure will be rewarding!

Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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