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Monday 8 July 2013

Who won Wimbledon then? & 2 squirrels raiding the feeders

A nice early start today as its going to be "another hot one!"  The weather has been exceptionally good the last few days and in our usual tradition we trundled a TV into the garden to watch the Wimbledon Mens Final.
The effort was worth it as the weather was hot and sunny and Finally after 77 years another Brit has won the Wimbledon Mens Trophy.  Just about every newspaper has Andy Murray grinning out holding the trophy!

Our screen gate was finally painted with the preservative yesterday, it seemed to be drying as I brushed  it on .  I'm not a great fan off this type of stuff but the wood is untreated so it needs it.  When I ordered the fencing  the colour was "green" but its a far cry from the colour on the door!
Here I am putting the finishing touches to the job
Tom does a bit of supervising, he's not too keen on the heat but always follows us out into the garden

I picked up on this story the other day about The Loch Ness "Monster"  its from Fox News and an Italian Geologist is claiming that a lot of the sightings could be related to earthquake activity rather than any "monster" activity.  The tourist board people are not going to like that.  On our trip back from the ice climbing in early March we stopped at a cafe to take some pics of the lake.  Within a few minutes a couple of coaches turned up full of Americans and they boarded launches to take them out onto the lake with Cameras at the ready!

A real "monster" story from Sky News though happened off Bondi Beach in Australia the other day, a surfer Knocked unconscious off his board by a huge whale.  The whales are seen quite often around the Sydney area at this time as they migrate but this one looks to have been rather interested in Bondi  - - Good video  to watch.

I mentioned the weather being good the last few days here are a few pics taken in the garden yesterday.
 A nice clear view of the hills across the other side of the Derwent Valley 
 A nicely trimmed box hedge sweeping down to the bridge over the pond.  We are trying to similarly cultivate the newly planted hedge on the left so are leaving it to grow a little.  
On the left the Alliums look to be at their best and the fox gloves are looking good , of which we have never planted one, they just self seed and we let them get on with it.  
Even our biggest fish (about a foot long) was enjoying the sun yesterday! 

Finally - - - I had refilled the (Recently Repositioned!) feeders this morning and just settled down to blog when I noticed a squirrel looking at the tray for food.  As I watched another one appeared, I have never seen 2 feeding before! 
 The obvious one on the tray appears to be looking at the camera but the other is is sat on the edge of the pergola above a feeder we normally reserve for the robins in winter you can make it out directly above the peanut feeder.  Its easier to see if you click on the pic to enlarge it.  

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  our live birdfeeder webcam

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