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Saturday 20 July 2013

More about our heatwave! & Who's beer is it anyway?

Its official we are having a heatwave!  Cue the rain!  Lots of interesting information in this BBC story titled Heatwave continues  Friday apparently was the hottest day of the year up to 30c in some parts.  My "fan aspirated" weather machine recorded 30.7c at 1800hrs although its affected by its location under a car port roof.  I'm trying out various shading options to get a true shade reading. 
The pundits are still talking about the hot weather breaking around Thursday next week which is handy as its the day I start my shifts at the Salt Mine again!    There's talk of "violent thunderstorms" so make sure your drain tops are clear so the water has somewhere to run off!

The Tour de France is drawing to a close with, fingers crossed, a second year when a Brit is going to win with Chistopher Froome leading his rivals by over 5 minutes.  There's only one real stage left, which is today then the Champs Elysees "parade" on Sunday. Quite a good story about doping  on the tour is done by the BBC.  Fingers have already been pointed at Froome and his times on two climbs compared to the many cheats who have won them before! - - - only time will tell. 

Superfast hand driers have the same impact on your eardrum as a road drill says the story from the Mail a couple of days ago.  Its backed up by evidence from "researchers" that people with hearing aids maybe "particularly affected"  At work we have the Dyson Blade fast driers and although I wear 2 aids I have never found the drier noise too loud.  As usual the comments underneath the story are worth a look at!

How Australian is Fosters lager?  asks this story with a load of facts about different beers from the regular TV commercials.  There are a few revelations to be had in the text but I think its a case of, "if you show/tell people often enough they'll come to believe whatever you want" especially if its on TV.  It turns out Fosters isn't popular in Australia, and Carling is Canadian!   - - - worth a read

Finally - - We have a number of Lavender plants in both the front and back gardens and this year they seem to be enjoying the hot weather with a spectacular show of colour.
 The look of the bare stalks in winter made me think they had given up and died!
The plants in the back garden don't look as colourful but they are competing with everything else.
Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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