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Tuesday 2 July 2013

Puffy ankles? eat a banana! & Hot shot fire-fighters don't make it

There's a great article in the Mail this morning which is on the theme of Eat the right vitamin (food) for your ailment  Definitely worth a read as there's a whole host of suggestions of what to "eat" rather than seeking out  what might be the correct pill.  I like the one about "Feeling Grumpy - eat a steak"  Read the next entry!

DEFRA it stands for "Department of food and rural affairs" or known more locally as "Destroy every farm and rural area".  Well according to this story from Sky News The organisation is responsible for introducing meat infected with Bovine TB into the food chain.  Not only are they doing this but what's more the meat is destined for ,"schools hospitals and the military"  One quote suggests the "most" supermarkets have banned it, although in view of "earlier scares" is that likely?

What's this the Spanish disgruntled with the EU I don't believe it!  When I used to  feign an interest in politics I was always surprised how the Spanish seemed to flout EU laws and directives they didn't like and got away with it.  This amusing article from the BBC shows They have had enough of the EU
Its written around a couple hiring out deck chairs on a beach, "He's a civil servant but has this job "on the side" to make ends meet, She's a typical "old dear" with sons "working in England as waiters because there's nothing for them in Spain"   - - worth a read

Seaweed for fuel, this very short article about a seaweed biofuel experiment, - - -  looks to have something about it  but could also be one of the many projects that finally show its not going to work, worth a try though I guess

Closer to home -  -at work in the local Sainsbugs yesterday I had another of those animated discussions about an item the customer could not even describe.  This interchange however all took place through a "third party" Dave the cleaner, who's job, as it suggests is to roam the isles cleaning up all manner of "deposits", He'd been "ambushed" clearing up a spill on the biscuit isle by Jack and Jill Customer  We eventually got "no-where" on the description of, "well its like a crisp but bigger and round and a bit like toast!"  Answers on a postcard please!!!!

Finally - - - You have to have admiration for the 19 fire-fighters killed in Arizona trying to put out a runaway wildfire.
19 of the 20 strong team on this pic didnt make it.  RIP the "Hotshots" fire team

Enjoy the day  
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