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Monday 15 July 2013

Wot! no hosepipe ban? & A cow drops in!

The good weather here in UK is set to last for at least another week say the weathermen, that prediction could also be the kiss of death for the good weather though!  What amazes me about this wonderful weather is the fact no "official spokesperson" has even mentioned a hosepipe ban.  In previous years we only have to have a few days without rain and the newspapers are headlining "Hosepipe ban across southern England".

Having just filled up the peanut feeder one of our resident squirrels is having a feed hanging upside down from the top rail while a pigeon watches from the sidelines
The squirrel then frightens the pigeon away to get at the food on the tray

There's a bit of a strange story from the BBC about a man dies from injuries received when a cow fell on him  It appears the cow which had been grazing on a hillside stepped on and fell through a roof.  The man sleeping in the room below died later in hospital.  The story relates that this is the third such incident in 3 years!

Another tragedy on the Brecon Beacons is reported by Sky News about 2 TA soldiers training on the SAS selection course route around Pen-y-Fan.  There have been a number of deaths associated with this area and the SAS in the past.  Most notably was the death of Captain Mike Kealy who distinguished himself as the officer in charge of the defence of Mirbat in the Oman war of the 1970s.  He left then returned to the regiment and to prove his fitness, as was the normal procedure, went on the final day of "test week" only to die of exposure on the Pen-y-fan range.  I guess the latest deaths will not be the last - - -

Finally - - - here's a tale that made me smile, the Public Health minister Anna Soubry wants the guilt lanes in shops and supermarkets scrapped.  These are the tempting displays of stuff just near to the checkout where either the shopper sneaks a choccy bar into the basket or the "pester power" of the little "Angels" comes into play.  I remember once seeing one little "Angel" whining for a birthday cake which the mother was saying she couldn't have because her birthday was 3 months away.  10 out of 10 for the "Angel's" tactics though who caused such a scene the parent gave in and bought one!  It appears that "no!" doesn't work any longer!  - -

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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