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Monday 11 February 2013

Young people being groomed for failure & the snows back

I read with dismay an article by a Tom de Castella on the BBC news website link to article trumpeting "Have young people never had it so bad!"  this is a play on those immortal and rather stupid words of Harold Macmillan back in 1957 "Most of our people have never had it so good" 

The article however seems to then spend a lot of time telling the readers that the "oldies" really did have it easy and everything was there on a plate to be picked up.  "Houses were cheap jobs were plentiful".  "Tom" also seems to agree with David Willets book "The Pinch" where the subtitle is "How the baby boomers took their children's future - and why should they give it back. 

Come on "Tom", "life's a bitch and then you die"  ok the house prices are a tad ridiculous for youngsters so what is wrong with renting? the Germans have been doing it for years rather than buying.  "Tom" waxes lyrical about youngsters with "degrees" being out of work.  Young people now have a better "opportunity" to get a degree and lots do so it rather follows that a lot of them will be out of work.

Out here in the sticks "Tom" I know plenty of kids who work at what might be called "dead end jobs" to make their way and get on with life.  Please stop grooming the "disadvantaged" for failure get your head out from up your arse and look around at the bigger picture. 

One of the "bigger picture" youngsters I read about lately is a guy called Jason Lewis who had a "dead end job" but decided to go around the world under his own power, no sails motors etc.  It took him 13 years, just a bit of commitment there!  link

Locally the snow gave us a pounding yesterday but was largely very wet so only the ground above 1000 ft around here saw accumulations of the slushy stuff.  This morning though with the lowering overnight temps we do have some snow lying around.
Heres a pic from Phil2 going over to Chesterfield yesterday morning. 

Our "interloper" cat must have been with us earlier because when i came downstairs our 2 were around my feet and i heard the catflap "clunk" shut when i switched on the light.  Maybe we should think up a name for "it" any suggestions?

Enjoy the day 

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  1. How about Sky Fall because the interloper is in and out before you see it ?


  2. Hi Mike, I think the cat should be called "Sloper the Interloper". It's great that you adopt these cats they are so fortunate. I had my cat put to sleep at 17 y.o. with a wasting desease. As I live by a main road I don't want another as it's too dangerous, but I do like to hear about the escapades yours get up to. Sandi
