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Tuesday 19 February 2013

Send Hilary Mantel to "The Tower" & The nanny state - again!

Flicking through the front pages i notice the Daily Mirror trumpets a quote by  Hilary Mantel that"well known" literary figure and in this case "critic".  She reckons the Princess of Cambridge is "A plastic princess designed to breed"  Hilary, born in Derbyshire has written a number of books one of which i have read, "Bring Up the Bodies"  Lots of reference to Henry the VIII and the Tower of London.  Stick to the "Writing" Hilary or you might end up there yourself!

Doctors (of the nanny state) want a 20% "Fat Tax" on "Sugary drinks" apparently the "Academy of Medical Royal Colleges says the move will help to reduce obesity related illness and deaths" Tagged on the end of that sentence however are the words "according to reports".  Reports are a bit like "surveys" the purveyors of which can make the conclusion say whatever it likes! 

There's a great story at the BBC news site about the incredible size to which "container ships" are being built with a staggering pic of one.  The report is peppered with facts about what it can hold to give the reader some idea of its size e.g. it can carry 36000 cars in 18,000 cars!   mind boggling. 

I see old Richard Briars has shuffled off, we watch a lot of "old style" programmes and hes in a couple.  Emphysema connected to his smoking finished him off even though he gave up 5 years ago! 

Marriage is not dead! well not if you read the story about a "Brides for hire Service" run by a "law firm partner" in the Telegraph  This scam involved a conveyor belt system where illegal immigrants would be married to girls flown in from abroad and then flown out again the same day.  Very sophisticated its been going on for years and it is described as a £20 million scam! 

Another "Nanny State" story which has me scratching my head is splashed all over the front of the Daily Express today.  "Mum of 11 to be given 6 bed house and you will pay £400,000 bill"  I was whisking through the front pages so didn't follow it up but the head scratching point are.  11years old - - does she have 6 kids already? and arn't you not supposed to leave children under 12 in a house alone? by the way this house is being built for her!!!!!!   

Locally - - We all managed some time "in the sun" yesterday here's Tom using next doors kids "cycle jumping ramp!"  as a sun bed ( i wish the kid would!) 
The pic should be titled"Don't you just love that spring sunshine!"

The early spring weeding of the garden was initiated by Sally.  We used to want a maintenance free garden but soon learned, "theres no such thing"
Here she is attacking one of our many pots. she always reckons to stand back admiring the effort only to spot a weed that's been missed.  "life can be so cruel! "

Enjoy the day
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