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Wednesday 13 February 2013

Sally nearly pays dearly, A slug with a disposable penis, and the pope resigns

Sally read with interest a Channel 4 news item on the properties of a slimming food supplement called Slimzene and another product called Neuclense .  A number of other agencies were included as having also printed articles about it.  A number of "reviews by people that had tried it were included in the item". The C4 item though mentioned "A Free Trial".  The fact is/was though that it isn't free

You sign up on line and pay only the "shipping" (yes its a US product distributed from the UK) charge of a couple of £'s.  When it arrived it turns out its that after 14 days they will bill you nearly £70 for each product you got (for free) and nearly £70 every thirty days thereafter for supplies of each product.

Quickly realising its "not what it seems" we phone the contact number noticing that the items come from a PO Box Number.  Alarm bells ring loudly as the first product number is dead.  The second puts you in a non existent queue. 

We do some searches on the net and find another number for "customer services" this finally yields an Indian call centre where we are promised an e mail with a returns number.  On the point of phoning the credit card to stop any debits the e mail comes through and we post the products back from whence they came.  TELEPHONE NUMBER. 0808 1680207

The Channel 4 article still online though NOW does not contain any reference to the 2 articles but now trumpets the properties of "another" which link takes you to very similar site?!  The only plus point i can point to is the fact that the site never says "Free Trial" but "Risk - Free Trial" 

After a disappointing encounter with our usual cattery on our last trip away we are off today to look at one called "Kool for Cats", as we will need to put our 2 in there when we pop up to Fort William in a couple of weeks.  Lets hope its as good as the write up.

The BBC had a couple of articles that "caught my eye" today apparently there's a sea slug that has the ability to shed its penis and then regrow another fully functioning model.  Now that would be novel for humans wouldn't it!  Even better is the story that the "Bush Crickets" testicles make up 14% of its body weight.  So if that was true in humans mine would weigh 26lbs!  - - - - Stop it! 

I see the Pope's resignation has or is reported to be causing concern in the corridors of the Catholic Church.  I wonder what kind of pension and golden handshake he'll get!  Theres also a story that the replacement might be a 3rd world cleric! could be an interesting story to follow. 

The "horsemeat scandal" shows no sign of "galloping off into the sunset" (sorry), with further reports of "waitrose" now having contaminated products but falling short of horsemeat i believe its pork in a meat product.  (Personally) I see a "review" on the horizon which will cost millions of £s provide jobs for "the boys" and get us absolutely nowhere.  hey ho that's life! 

Slight hiccough with Phil2 as his speedo seems to have stopped working.  In the good old days it would be a quick trip to the parts department buy a new cable and spend a few minutes fitting it hey presto job done.  As all Freelanders are a miracle of modern technology the speedo takes pulses from the ABS system and changes them into an miles per hour reading!  So hes booked into the garage for next Wednesday, just hope i dont need a bank loan to pay for the repair.  I'm looking at an app that uses GPS to translate the movement into MPH in the mean time!

Enjoy the day

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1 comment:

  1. Have you got the number for the customer services slimzene/neucleanse company? I've been scammed!!
