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Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sleep is bad for you!, & "A judge is "not a witness of truth!"

Sleep it appears must be bad for you according to an article in the Sky News  It starts off by saying that lack of sleep impacts on Gene Activity which is linked to heart disease, obesity and mental impairment.  So if you dont sleep at all you wont have heart disease, get fat or be a loony!  dont sleep dont sleep - - - dont - - - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

The headline news is full of the terrible balloon crash/explosion in Egypt.  What a terrifying situation to be in!  I see as well that another unfortunate has been killed falling down part of Ben Nevis.  Here's hoping everyone will be safe when we are up there this weekend. A happier climbing story though is in the one sky are running about a woman who climbed Everest twice in a week she completed the feat in May last year but its only come to light just now! 

A twist to the "King in the Car Park" story attached to Richard III who's body has lately been discovered.  It appears now that his "Descendants" who supplied DNA to prove the remains were his want him buried in York Minster rather than Leicester Cathedral which archaeological practise dictates.  It will be interesting to see if they succeed.

The Chris Huhne Vicky Price story gets on to the "stupid" bandwagon today! There's a story in the The Telegraph that Britain's most prominent black Judge, Constance Briscoe has been arrested in connection with the case.  A statement being read in court at Prices's retrial today by a police officer says they are not calling Miss Briscoe as a prosecution witness because "she cannot be relied  upon as a Witness of Truth"  What is going on!!!

A BBC  story that has me smiling is the one that starts "Australia: Where The Good Life Comes at a Price".  I'm sure we all know people who have tramped off to Oz for all the things we don't have here.  Well that's what they would have us believe.  Don't get me wrong its not a bad old patch but it does seem to be catching the same cold everyone else has been signed up to.  The article writer Madalaine Morris starts off with a real rant about the price of Limes in an Oz supermarket being equivalent to £1.50 each while being almost in site of the lime orchards!  Worth a read!

Locally - - -  Phil2 has "recovered" his speedometer and the "repair" has also fixed the fuel gauge!  I couldn't believe the fuel gauge should be showing how much fuel was in the tank when the ignition was off but it did.  Since the "repair" the speedo works when moving and the fuel gauge reads zero when the ignition is off! The "repair" consisted of a "hard re-set" that's technical bullshit for "switching off the internal computer chip and switching it back on again".  To be fair to the garage doing what they did was obviously the way to go and as the bloke said once the electronics were running everything worked again.  Fingers crossed it keeps going! 

At my 6 monthly dental check up my dentist pronounces the few teeth i have left as,  "perfect!".  That's good but I'm confused as to why I'm charged the same as a person with a mouthful of teeth!  Well i mean to say you can get your "Car" cleaned at the "hand car wash" for £5 but your 4x4 will cost you £7 so why not similar pricing for teeth.  Bet they dont get charged like that in Oz!  lol 

Enjoy the day
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