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Saturday 9 February 2013

Findus horse lasagne - Our Sharons a Canadian & other snippets

The horse meat scandal drags on and its looking like we have all been conned for far longer than the current wave of "headlines" will have us believe.  Findus allegedly knew about their Horse Lasagne over a week ago but did nothing about it.  Not worth even an exclamation mark now in the blog so I'll move on. Worth though this pic sent to me by a mate in Hereford showing a sign in a local butchers window. 

The mega snow storm in America/Canada is hitting the headlines as I sit this morning (Sat 9 Feb 0700) with our sleety snowy weather coming down outside.  I just popped out to check the weather and stood there in the dark listening to a couple of owls hooting at each other.  Its a lovely sound kind of eerie and reassuring at the same time that we still have a "countryside" for these wonderful creatures to live in.  Back to the snowstorm if you google webcams in America you can see whats going on and its pretty severe.  Heres a good one of Queen Street in Niagra, snow its a "live" one and you can see the snow blowing about.

Talking of Canada reminds me that we received a text from our good friend Sharon who lives in Pembroke Ontario saying that she is now "officially a Canadian!".  She went to work our there years ago and has now "served her time" to qualify for citizenship.  We must visit!  

Still on the Snow angle is a headline in the "Daily Express" today "48 hours of Snow Hell on way" .  The paper must get the prize for most exaggerated headlines, one of their favoutites seems to be endless headlines for instant cures for this and that.  If they were all true i think everyone in the UK would be living until they were 110 if we hadn't succumbed to the "freezing sub artic weather" headline of last week!

One story I gleaned from sky news is of a loony on a skateboard in Cape Town almost reaching 70mph on a main road, worth a watch at loony  complete with video from a following car!

Another sky news snippet was that Chris Huhne ( mentioned in previous blogs) had 2 mistresses on the go when he was married proving that he was doubly stupid to think he would get away with the driving points fiasco.  Mind you it  appears that being doubly stupid does actually pay as the Telegraph reports that he was receiving £17000 severance pay despite being "The first cabinet minister in history to be forced out of office due to a criminal investigation"!

On the home front - - - Boris (the defender) was inspected by the garage over the road and needs a number of new parts to be fitted to his "rear" after his accident a week ago.  Phil2 the Freelander visited the garage yesterday for an investigation into an oil leak that manifested itself on his journey home from Cleveland a couple of weeks ago.  My fears of an expensive head gasket problem were unfounded as it turned out to be only a cam shaft oil seal and was fixed quite quickly. 

Right then, time marches on and I must up and away to get "things" done.  Finally then - - - I have been sitting here some time writing the blog and our cat Tom has been helping me as can be seen in the pic below.
His head is resting on my wrist and he's actually asleep even though his head moves as I type, every now and again he will stretch that right paw up onto the keyboard and more than once has managed to pry off a key in the past! 

Enjoy the day

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Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam


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