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Sunday 24 February 2013

Trouble at mill! & a SLIMZENE followup!

Lots of coverage today in the rags about the "concern & unease" surrounding claims that Lord Rennard is a groper!  The "Mail" claims that "Clegg" knew about the claims 4 years ago while the BBC article about the claims say "Clegg" "Knew nothing"  Knowing nothing seems to be a qualification afflicting most politicians!  Another "Groper" appears to be the leader of the Scottish Catholic church although the allegations claim the actions were "inappropriate acts" a much nicer phrase than "groper don't you think! 

The "Express" has a headline of "Blackout Brittain freezing weather puts millions in danger of devastating power cuts".  They seem to have ignored the weather forecast indicating daytime temps of +8 by the end of the week.  Just another vindication of the saying "why let the truth get in the way of a good story!"

I mentioned the story earlier about the lady driver Danica Patrick being in pole position for the latest Nascar race.  Today there's a story about a huge pileup during the race.  I'll refrain from asking if the lady driver was involved! 

SLIMZENE Update:  I have had a few e mails from people claiming to have been "mislead" by the Free Trial offered by the Slimzene and Neucleanse products.  The problem people seem to be having is getting in touch with the customer service people to cancel their orders.  Here then is the telephone number we used (not the one supplied with the product) to sort our problem out 0808 1680207.

Trouble at mill! 
There's a story going round that concerns a colleague, "lets call him Dave" he used to work in the bakery and was a bit of a pain in the Ass!  He then left us and went to be a pain in the Ass on the checkouts! Having a very high opinion of himself he put his name forward to be a team leader.  When he was turned down he gave his teddy a real kicking.  However he also used "inappropriate language" to a customer! and then went home and put "inappropriate material on his facebook page.  Shame i cant seem to get a link to it but, Grow up Dave, get out more and get your head out from your Ass!

I saw a publication today that's going to change the shopping experience for our customers.  The little shelf edge price indicators are going to be increased in size from 32mm to 39mm!  Wow! 

I was in a quandary this morning as i was told that today was the last day for a colleague 20% discount.  Normally we get 10 infrequently we get 15 but to get 20% demands a "bit of a shop".  The quandary of course is do I tell Sally and in effect give her a free hand! heaven forbid it could cost £100's.  Luckily i phrased the text in a way that just gave me the free hand for the "bit of a shop" and got away with just under a £100! phew!

I was perplexed by sign attached to a roller in the warehouse.  It had been added by a colleague, "lets call him Glen", an articulate person! to another colleague, "lets call him Keith".  And exhorted him to put the 2 boxes of "space invader" munchies on the shelf and it made it clear this was not the first time nor the second that Keith should have done it.  The last line was a killer which said " If you fail to do this I will sever your genitalia and feed them to a passing squirrel" 

Finally - - - we've had a few snow flurries in the last couple of days, pics below show quite a good one yesterday
Across the River view
The garden looked as if it was going to get covered but the flurry only lasted about 20 minutes
Enjoy the day
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