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Saturday 16 February 2013

2012 DA24 skimspast but the Russians take a hit in the Urals!

I had a quick look last night at the meteor 2012 DA24 as shown by the NASA link i put up in yesterdays blog.  Interesting as it was it really was only a pinprick of light passing across the screen whichever way you looked at it. 

In contrast earlier yesterday a Meteor struck the earth in the Russian Ural mountains causing all kinds of damage.  There's a good report on "Sky news" and some great video shots and pics at Urals hit

The Daily Express continues its ridiculous headlines today with "New jab to fight misery of arthritis"  if you were a "keen" follower of the Express arthritis has been cured at least 4 times in the past few months! 

I wandered over the road yesterday to take one of the pics that's going to make up another of my time lapse efforts and saw the steam enthusiasts of Peak Rail loading up an old steam loco onto  low loader.  It must be off to a new home somewhere.  Its quite a delicate operation as can be seen form the pic below.
The Peak Rail line ends at left of shot and they lay an extra bit of line up onto the low loader which has line laid on its cargo bed. 

I read with interest an article on "Sky News" about a  Vatican Exorcist .  Not being of that"persuasion" i noted that one of the more interesting comments by the said "exorcist" was that, "He has previously claimed that watching Harry Potter films leads to evil".  Mmmmmmm  Better keep an eye on Sally there, she's not only seen all the films she's read the books as well! 

Another story that i cant keep a wry smile from crossing my face with is one in today's "Telegraph".  Its titled "De-clutter your desk if you want a successful career Its all about  "Life coach"  Jayne Morris who is "the resident life coach for the NHS"  What!!!!!!.  Why the NHS should require a life coach is a little sad when you read about the disgusting state our NHS is in.  More nurses and less managers might be a good place to start. 

However i digress - - - - .  "Jayne says" the article go's on to say that, "In order to clear the mind, unwanted articles must be thrown away to free your internal world".  One after the other standard, stock and tedious sayings follow this one that are all meant to make you more successful!

 If you google life coach there's an almost never ending list of people who will train you to be a "Life Coach" so that you can "go and help others achieve their potential".  The one factor that jumps out at you is most of the "list" insist that you need "absolutely no qualifications" to be a "Life Coach".  Power to your elbow "Jayne" - - - power to your elbow. 

On that note i will away get stuck into my book, once i "Clear my Clutter away"  I managed a good couple of hours yesterday and must keep up the momentum. 

Finally though - - nearly forgot,  "the interloper" cat (huge black long haired thing) has blotted its copybook again!  I spotted it up in the garden and chased it off yesterday to see it scurry underneath next door's decking.  This morning Sainsbury (the tabby) exploded through the cat flap at 0630 (hes not a fighter like Tom) pursued by "the interloper" who stopped short of entering - just.  I spotted it go under the cars and chased it off again.  Eventually it will  get the message!

Enjoy the day
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