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Saturday 23 February 2013

Food price rise signals! & Some other morsels!

I only mentioned a couple of blogs ago that the "Big boy supermarkets" would use the Horsemeat saga to increase their prices and already the "signals" of such a regime are appearing.  Sky News carries a report which suggests "Consumers are being warned that food bills may rise if high demand for meat testing continues"  Should this cost of testing not be included in the penalties for the people responsible for the problem?
There an amusing twist to this kind of story though if you look at the front page of the "Star" rag.  There's a picture of HM the Queen smiling at a horse with a sound bubble from her saying "Yummy!" The byline underneath suggests that a top notch caterer may have supplied "Dodgy meat to Royal Ascot!"
Yet another Horsey story is that the Armed Forces rations have been contaminated by Horsemeat.  I think its a "given" that anyone remotely connected to and having eaten "Armed Forces Rations"  would welcome Horsemeat after eating some of the "dodgy" meals they had been presented with! 

Mr Pistorious has been granted bail after  "4 Day" hearing!  Pictures of him leaving court are plastered over most news agencies.  If it takes 4 days to grant him bail, I wonder how long the trial might last?

The Daily Express has another "reader grabbing" headline this morning, warning, we are about to suffer the, "Coldest Winter Freeze of The Year"  The follow up story though has some "Chilling" facts about deaths from the cold!

You might read today about the UK losing its AAA credit rating and the "Chancellor" telling us "We are not going to run away from its problems"  Meanwhile at the World Track Cycling Championships in Minsk our cyclist appear to be "running away" with a host of medals with the girls winning the Team Pursuit not long ago and Kenny and Yates winning gold yesterday in 2 events.  Medals for Lance Armstrong however seem to be at an all time low as the US Government now join the growing queue of people suing him because when he rode for the US Postal team and won the Tour de France it was "public funding" supplying the $'s

"Nuns caught drinking illegally" is the header for the BBC  story about a pub in Ireland where they wanted to have the biggest ever crowd of people "dressed up" as nuns, really funny pic and worth read. 
Shock - horror! though as an admission from our "beloved" Ant & Dec, those "northern" cheeky chappy "performers"  where they proclaim from the front of the Daily Mirror that "We've taken drugs" but even more horrendously "Ant voted Tory"  Bad boy Ant - - Bad Boy!
I've never been one for tattoos and a few good reasons why others shouldn't either are displayed in this Telegraph story with some graphic pics of "celebs and their tattoo howlers. - - worth a look

Finally then - - I sat here earlier contemplating that tomorrow I will be back on the job at the "Salt Mine" which is the local Sainsbugs Supermarket.  I then noticed this story in the Telegraph, a staggering 1701 people apply for 8 jobs in a new Costa Coffee branch opening in Nottingham.  The story go's on to trot out statistic after statistic about the unemployed in the area, a  damning proclamation of the state the country is in if i ever saw one!
Hey ho! I shall however, armed with the knowledge gleaned from this story, have a slight (yes only slight) spring in my step as I pass through the sliding doors of the emporium tomorrow and adopt the, "company colleague" persona once again!  As an old and long in the tooth, glass is half empty,"cynic" I don't believe everything i read in the papers - - - do you?

Enjoy the day
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