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Wednesday 6 February 2013

Snow comes - Snow Go's & a few other bits

The small snow storms and laying snow of yesterday seem to have been washed away by the sleet and overnight rain.  So this morning dawns clear of snow but with a soggy Sainsbury the cat popping in and out of the cat flap completing his last dawn patrols in search of rodents for breakfast.  He had earlier wrapped up the "leftovers" of one of his nocturnal hunting successes in one of our runner mats for me to dispose of.  Tom meanwhile has bagged his spot for the day squarely in front of the log burner!

Another cat story is of a circus trainer being mauled by a tiger during a live show in Mexico.  He later dies and the closing line of the story is that the cat is being held in the arena cage until "authorities decide what to do".  I wont speculate what its fate will be but I think its about time we stopped parading endangered wild animals for "entertainment" like this.

On a lighter note!  - - - - I see Chris Huhne the "Disgraced Politician" has finally scored 10/10 for being dumb as well as stupid.   He was picked up for speeding in 2003 but his wife took the hit for the points on the licence!  He has denied that he was driving many times over the years and the scandle hits the headlines "finally" after he leaves his wife for a "PR Consultant called Carina Trimingham. 

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" comes into play as his now,  ex wife pledges to "nail him" and the whole saga is being played out in the courts and media.  The scary bit here is that Huhne, in one story was linked to eventually being "Deputy Prime Minister",  Really tongue in cheek here "but his credentials look admirable to me!"   His new "girlfriend" however, doesn't look "to me" mind you,  to have much of a career in PR given the path she chose with "yer man"   - - - - bad call Carina - - - bad call. 

We do seem to follow what the Americans do and I see in the news that a growing number of them have been forced to start "living in their vehicles" as they lose everything in the current economic climate. It must be tragic to see everything you have worked for going down the pan and I wonder how long it might be before we see the same here, if in fact it hasn't already arrived.

Asda, as reported on the front page of the "Daily Mirror" seem, to be following the Tesco angle on the "horse meat in the beefburger" story although theirs have 80% horse in them.  Come on you retail giants cant you see the opportunity here lets go for the "Horse Burger" I'm sure they'll "gallop" off the shelf - - - - Sorry about that. 

I mentioned Richard III as,  "the King in the car park" in yesterdays blog and declined to inject humour by suggesting that he might have got away without "paying his parking ticket".  This was suggested in a conversation with a mate during the day who sent me the pic below. It had to happen!

(yesterday) The periods between the snowfalls saw increased activity on the birdfeeder webcam and I manged to get a couple of still pics that were interesting
I have given up trying to scare this squirrel away and even repositioned the peanuts in an attempt to get a pic like this.  Luckily Sainsbury the cat was not around he loves to give chase!
During the summer this pic shows the squirrel hanging by its tail to get at the sunflower seeds!
We see these long tailed tits flocking in winter and there were quite a few around yesterday

Boris the Land Rover Defender is in the garage for his inspection of "the crash" damage today, details soon!

Finally - - credit to Sandi in Leeds who spotted I called the "Cyclamen" in one of yesterdays blog pics Wood Anenomes. Thanks Sandi. 

Enjoy the day

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Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam

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